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Hi again!! its been a Long time since i made a new entry. Guess what?! Let me show you the second part of the stuff i got from sailor moon 20th anniversary merchandise!! So lets start with the cookware: Sailor Moon Chopsticks (Sticker from...
offtopic lots of pictures anime stuff collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 169 2201 58 (66) 1
The lovely Sheryl Nome I won in the last Field Game has arrived! I also got 3 new mini MyAnimeShelf calendars (which look absolutely lovely, may I say). Sheryl as as gracious as you'd expect. Although this is the infamous 'green haired...
figures review lots of pictures
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 170 4023 46 (48) 15
Ууухуу!Сегодня ровно год с моей регистрации! И в такой знаменательный день порадую новым туториалом по изготовлению подставок) В этот раз рассказ будет из 2х разных примеров,и лепить я буду из массы(о которой я говорила в предыдущем блоге)-Jovi.У...
lots of pictures creative art
Ksana Russia
Edit tags edit entry 492 6049 203 (207) 43
(rewriting this again) Hi again....i had a little problem with the page, so the entry disappeared.....Anyway Hi again!! welcome to the entry. this time im gonna show you the last part of the custom shelf!. by the way i already bought another shelf ha...
offtopic lots of pictures collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 202 3162 70 (72) 16
We can have bogs on this website too! This is officially one of my favorite sites to go on now, you can chat keep up with your anime, and much more!!
Edit tags edit entry 187 2334 28 (34) 2
Продаю свою коллекцию по той простой причине, что выхожу из хобби. Также продаю мангу Все фигурки в идеальном состоянии (стояли за стеклом), вся манга в идеальном состоянии (читалась по 1 разу). Все цены указан...
Edit tags edit entry 342 6011 8 (18) 41
Hi again! long time no see you this time i want to show all the stuff that i bought from sailor moon. im a huge fan, and when i was a child, my mother didnt want to buy all the stuff from sailor moon that i wanted. so this is my chance to buy everyt...
otaku life anime stuff collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 267 3368 105 (105) 21
Привет! Сегодня поделюсь секретами,расскажу и покажу на примере последней работы,как я делаю свои подставки для ГК. Итак,для начала определяемся из какого материала будет подставка.Для лепки я использую либо массу для моделирования Jovi(цена в ма...
Ksana Russia
Edit tags edit entry 615 13497 236 (238) 79
All figures are in great, like new condition. Every figure comes with a box unless otherwise mentioned. Figures are original - bought from reputable stores like AmiAmi, Mandarake or Yahoo Auctions. Shipping from Poland, Europe. PayPal only; if se...
CIN Poland
Edit tags edit entry 332 2735 14 (24) 2
I will have to get rid of quite a few figures from my collection. All are in great, like new condition. Every figure comes with a box unless otherwise mentioned. Figures are original - bought from reputable stores like AmiAmi, Mandarake or Yahoo Auct...
CIN Poland
Edit tags edit entry 195 2396 13 (17) 2
Работы уже можно посмотреть на сайте :) Кстати, Валлефор - один из судей :) По мере поступления новой информации я буду редактировать этот пост или дописывать комментарии, так что заинтересованным советую добавить пост в слежку. Спасибо з...
garage kit news
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 423 12814 56 (56) 20
Hi everyone Its time to see the other part of my custom shelf. For now im going to show you the first part of the shelf. (the first square). The theme its: ODIN SPHERE I really , really love this game. if you have the chance for playing it, do...
figures offtopic lots of pictures creative art collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 210 2670 63 (67) 12
Hello everyone and happy new year! I'm sorry that I haven't been writing very many blog posts over the past year I will do my best to try and write more this year. The main subject of this post is a review (of sorts) of My new Super Sonico fig...
figures review lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 233 7339 71 (75) 7
Hi againthis time i want to show you all my custom shelf that im working on!! . im going to show you the middle part of all the shelf. i bought in wal-mart something like this: (my shelf is white by the way) My boyfriend help me by putting crys...
figures offtopic lots of pictures creative art collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 222 2632 60 (66) 10
So i´m a huge fan from ranka lee dunno why, maybe cause she have a frog as a cellphone hahaha. so i want to show you my ranka figures. i got this two at a con in my town. really cheap by the way . Ichiban Kuji Kyun-Chara World Macross 30th Anniv...
figures offtopic lots of pictures collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 99 1581 34 (34) 2
My second Christmas gift was from me to me haha . so i got a new yukiko amagi figure ( i have 3 more). This one cost me 28 dll on ebay, it was as an used item but the figure was in a great shape. the only thing was so bad was the box, but im not that...
figures review offtopic lots of pictures collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 118 3862 31 (33) 8
So this Christmas was a blast. i got a lot of figures as presents. This one was from my friend Glenndalf ( ). I love Ranka a lot and this present was more than great. Thanks!!! Ranka Lee - Macross 30t...
figures offtopic lots of pictures otaku life collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 110 1298 33 (35) 2
Greetings fellow collectors! As a new user on this side I just want to say hello to everybody. And I also want to express my honest appreciation for this site. It is a very nice way to display one's figures online, and the layout and feeling is...
Tsukuneko Germany
Edit tags edit entry 149 1868 58 (60) 26
Hi! Earlier we had a button that opens the filter on the right but now it's moved to the left. Does it confuse you and do you still search it on the old place? That espacially concerns ones who use the database often [VOTE=19]...
Vallefor Russia
Edit tags edit entry 183 2187 31 (31) 22
Pfft, I was planning on posting this last week, but I was so busy with school. Now I'm on vacation already, but I've just been so lazy..... The pictures are still bad, and I apologize for that. I really need to get a descent lamp with a white lig...
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 223 6956 56 (56) 17
I'm deeply sorry about the crappy lightning in the pictures. It was dark and stormy outside, so I couldn't get any sunlight in, and the lighting in my house is always very orange since it has wooden floor and ceiling. I had to fix the colors for all...
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 226 5998 68 (70) 24
Hello! Our friends E2046 have started accepting pre-orders for a beautiful ORI garage kit of Asuka, which is also available as a prepainted version by Gathering. All of our users are offered a 5% discount, all you have to do is to enter the gift...
figures garage kit news
Vallefor Russia
Edit tags edit entry 455 24446 83 (85) 18
Здравствуйте! Организовываю коллективку на Petanko Mini! Trading Figure Sword Art Online BOX мой первый опыт, по-этому заранее сори, если что не так. Order from: Release Date: 2014/4 Pre-order Deadline: 2013/11/24 Price: 6220...
joint order
sente Russia
Edit tags edit entry 112 6125 7 (7) 22
Всем привет! Вот и дождались мы моих фотографий с этого замечательного события. На самом деле их там получилось на столько много, что только на отбор ушло очень много времени. Итак! Конечно же я должен сказать что-то из серии, что я нифига не...
figures events lots of pictures
Vallefor Russia
Edit tags edit entry 253 4532 96 (100) 51
Всем всем всем привет! Сегодня я хотела поделиться с вами своей радостью! В среду мне пришла долгожданная посылочка!!! Прошло практически четыре месяца ожидания! И проходили они примерно так: "Гдееее моя девочкаааа?", "Где...
review adult only dolls
Ishtar Russia
Edit tags edit entry 232 2117 49 (57) 29
Продам фигурку дьявольско-красивой Harley Quinn фирмы Kotobukiya Цена: 3000 (возможен торг) Личная встреча Москва.
Edit tags edit entry 205 3308 4 (16) 9
Greetings, shelf! I come bearing great news, we're having advent this year as well. Nevermind it's not snowing and grass is still green, advent starts early this time. Advent takes place right before christmas, the faithful prepare for the holiday...
Lulapa Russia
Edit tags edit entry 213 5544 26 (28) 0
Dont want him anymore looking to sell or wishlist trade...
Edit tags edit entry 197 2294 5 (9) 5
In my last blog post, I mentioned that even though my Otakon coverage is done, I still have one more thing to talk about. Well, here it is: Otakon wasn't the only convention I went to Baltimore earlier this month. The weekend before Otakon, the Ba...
Edit tags edit entry 82 2348 6 (12) 1
Sorry it took so long to post this, as I've been busy since the convention (i.e. work, a trip to Arundel Mills, and me being hooked on Tales of Xillia). However, at long last, I'm finally able to post my pictures of the cosplay and other neat things...
lots of pictures cosplay
Edit tags edit entry 124 14675 21 (37) 2
It's August again. As such, it's time once again for my reports involving my annual summer vacation known as Otakon. As usual, I'm starting things off with the main thing that I usually discuss here: the purchases in the Dealers' Room. Sadly, this ye...
Edit tags edit entry 156 2611 46 (48) 2
Edit tags edit entry 254 2329 45 (47) 27
Один из основных для меня плюсов - отсутствие подставки, оказался минусом при съёмке в диких условиях, обычные подставки я обклеиваю бумагой или бумажным скотчем и спокойно ставлю на камни, в реки и в грязь, а тут приходилось убирать все острые к...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 296 6115 115 (117) 58
For many people in the United States, this coming weekend is Comic Con weekend. For them, that means two things. The first one (for pretty much everyone, be it those attending the con or those following it online) is news and sneaks at involving the...
Edit tags edit entry 75 1556 20 (20) 0
Внимание: Данный блог содержит материалы эротического характера! Просмотр лицам младше 18 лет запрещен! Caution! You may be exposed to erotic content in this blog! You must be 18 years old or higher to view it! Не секрет что ни одному и...
figures lots of pictures creative art
Edit tags edit entry 177 2217 19 (35) 14
Not figure related, but my anime obsession got me to this point: Later this year I will officially be a published professional writer! Below is a blurb for the book! Hunters 1: Seeking the Storyteller They say the Storyteller live in a ma...
anime offtopic otaku life creative art news
SnowTigra USA
Edit tags edit entry 109 1473 8 (8) 1
I've been off of this website for a while and I'm sorry! I have just been really busy with all of the events happening over the summer. My birthday was 6 days ago, so i had to go to 2 parties, my friends party just a day earlier, and then I had to w...
figures review lots of pictures loot
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 196 3936 30 (30) 7
Вот и подоспела очередная партия фигурок Макайзо. Для тех кто не видел первые блоги по теме, или не знает о чем вообще идет речь, смотрите ссылки в конце блога. And here I am with another Makaizou figures pack for you. For those of you that are ne...
figures adult only lots of pictures creative art
Edit tags edit entry 309 15229 33 (41) 21
She's here! I'm so happy!!~ Hatsune Miku 2.0 is Nendoroid nr. 300. Just think about it. There are over 300 types of Nendoroids out there right now. That's A LOT!! I've got to say, I'm feeling ecstatic. When I ordered my first figure from H...
figures review lots of pictures
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 66 5076 44 (44) 27
While it's pretty obvious that the line of Busou Shinki figures have long been sold out, that doesn't mean I stop looking around the Internet for figures. Every once in a while, I actually do browse the usual figure dealer web sites (as well as eBay)...
Edit tags edit entry 5 1491 24 (24) 2
Are any shelfers going to Anime Expo (US) or Japan Expo (France)? GSC will be releasing the exclusive Nendoroids Hatsune Miku (Yukata Ver. Natsutsumaki) and Kaname Madoka (Maiko Ver.) soon and they will be sold at Anime Expo and Japan Expo along w...
figures new releases question events
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 28 1500 12 (12) 2
It's been a while since I last did a blog post on a figure. This is due to me not really been busy figure hunting these past few months (as I've been out of the loop in terms of recent anime titles and there hasn't been any real "must buy"...
Edit tags edit entry 17 2509 23 (25) 3
Всем здравия, лол ! Думаю, многие слышали и знают о Tokyo International Anime Fair и я хотела рассказать о победителях в этом году + немного фотографий, которые мне больше всех понравились ) Начну с фото: А вот и награжденные на Tokyo Internationa...
anime figures lots of pictures japanese culture news
YukiMeaw Ukraine
Edit tags edit entry 18 2818 32 (34) 15
Sakura Miku, my little sisters favorite nendoroid!~ I took her out for some photos and to get some sun. Because apparently sitting inside all day is really bad.. Since my flowers are in bloom, she hung out in there for a little while~ I hope you e...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 33 1539 45 (47) 9
Всем привет Вот и настало время вывести своих любимцев на прогулку Недавно забрала Мику-тян и в тот же день гасяпончик с Мисой :з В общем не буду много мудрить,вот фото:...
YukiMeaw Ukraine
Edit tags edit entry 8 942 23 (27) 17
I seriously was trying to make a review but somehow it ended up as another picspam post. I recently got Ayanami Rei Loppi Ver. by Koto (thanks to Deamon666 for order and to amiami's preowned section, it's not the first time I'm getting something...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 43 1967 36 (36) 31
So I'm going to be making up little stories about our two little trouble makers Rin and Len! Please rate on your favorite, I will have 1 per day all this week! At the end the story with the most likes will get an extension on the story! Sunday - H...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 21 1488 17 (17) 13
If you live near me then you know about my addiction to the Rin and Len figmas that were released in 2008. These things have been the only things I really wanted that are Rin and Len related, since I already preordered the crap out of everything else...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 7 1232 9 (9) 3
Доброго всем дня/ночи/вечера/утра ! Хочу научиться красиво фотографировать и тренируюсь на цветах и вообще природе) Недавно у нас прошел дождик, хочу показать вам фотки Вот и они:...
YukiMeaw Ukraine
Edit tags edit entry 5 911 7 (23) 30
The other day I received my monthly order from April witch included the school uniform versions of Figma Mami and Sayaka as well as SAS Spice Girl. Of the two Figmas Sayaka is the surprise winner, Her face's in particular are all really expressive...
figures lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 118 2578 32 (34) 7
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