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Page 16
Where I live, earthquakes have been running rampant for the past few days. For a normally earthquake-free zone, the near 100 we've had lately is a bit unsettling at best. Most are just tiny little Mag 2's, but we've had a few big ones, up to 4.7 so f...
Jobibi USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1030 3 (5) 5
Katsucon is only a couple of days away. However, when it comes to "anime stuff", I've been getting ready for the Dealers' Room (sans any "anti-bag" rule) these past two days. Yes, this does include getting some anime on Blu-Ray (S...
Edit tags edit entry 3 857 10 (10) 0
Well, this really shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, but it still sucks. Good Smile Company, ALTER, and Max Factory have just announced another batch of delays - which includes pretty much everything they were going to release this month. To be...
Edit tags edit entry 1 1481 15 (17) 8
I said I had statues, it's not just action figures :D I just got a new addition to my small statue collection and it made me feel like sharing. First statue I bought, very recent I think 2006. Got me started into collecting. While it's a very...
Kajico USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 1332 17 (17) 2
Today I finally received the gift from the Christmas/ New years masquerade. It's really late but thats fine. Their all Russian things and I'm not sure what most of these are! XD But still... thank you!
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 623 23 (23) 4
Today Mikatan was playing with Kirino =3 She will be released on 26th of February. More pics at Mikatan's blog. Also, Nendoroid Masamune Date was delayed again - now till March >.> That's why he is so angry, I guesse...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 12 1791 13 (13) 8
I was looking through internets for maybe some news for our little nendo-corner and found an interesting blog of a person from Malaysia who not only collects nendoroids but also draws pictures with his own characters' concepts =3 The following are...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 3 3722 18 (18) 29
As I mentioned earlier I received A package of most of my orders from January. It contained Super Action Statue Koichi, figma Asuka, a second figma Miyafuji and a doll stand. First up is Koichi, He is rely tiny it surprised me how tiny he is, here...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 20 1803 17 (17) 6
Today, I found these two in the mail. While TTGL is pretty old news, I did utterly fall in love with Nendoroid HMO Miku. If anything, her parts go so well with Neko-Arc's... And Woody decided to jam with the band. And if anyone...
Edit tags edit entry 34 1866 18 (18) 5
Well, well, well. It seems that I got so swept up in the Tamashii Features announcements that I missed a new Figma preorder! Fear not, for Kurisu Makise is here! Piccolo-tan? Kurisu here comes from the sleeper-hit VN STEINS;GATE, about severa...
Edit tags edit entry 2 1567 11 (15) 0
Final information on ThreeA's next sale have just been announced. They are World War Robot Grunts, generic soldiers to pose with your robots the perfect army builder, buy a dozen! They will be available in four deferent colors Desert, Stealth, Dee...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 1503 11 (11) 0
Well, boys and girls, I did get a gift for St Valentine's day! It's no diamond ring, of course, but... Oh yeah, I just LOVE February, 14 ^___^ Zero!!!! Actually, there were several heads in the set - bit who needs Lelouch when we've got Zero?))...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 1 584 16 (20) 17
Well, Valentine's Day is around the corner, and love is in the air. It feels kind of sticky and hard-to-breathe-in. Not fun. ...Anyway, this week actually yielded a surprising number of releases for the middle of the month, starting with an old cl...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1693 10 (10) 1
UFO Robot Grendizer wishes you a happy St Valentine's Day)) Yep, the most ridiculous picture ever XD...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 2 827 17 (17) 7
Last night Kagami was all alone beacause Azusa left her to practice. No worries! Kagami was able to explore around her new surroundings (I just got her last week). So enjoy as Kagami encounters the "iPhone" Kagmi: Hm. What should I...
Edit tags edit entry 2 864 22 (22) 2
Так как многие жители Полочки увлекаются не только фигурками, но и куклами, мы решили начать серию записей, чтобы ознакомить желающих с основными линейками анимешных кукол, а заодно пополнить нашу базу интересной и полезной информацией =3 Pure Nee...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 268 12204 42 (42) 28
Want to share with you some photos I made for Saint Valentine’s photo contest. But in the end I find them unsuitable for some reasons ^^' So, here how it was.. Всем привет, образовалась свободная минутка и я решила поделиться с вами парочкой фот...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 50 1709 31 (31) 26
On Friday I received a package that contained standard Hoi Hoi and Combat-san kits. They were a bit of an impulse buy but I had a strong urge to build some model kits so it couldn't be helped. I spent most of yesterday and today building them. I'm st...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 9 1494 23 (23) 9
Sorry for this Michelle spam. I've finally found some time to photo her. Have you noticed she has a new outfit? :) Thanks for watching!
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 2 808 26 (26) 22
Heather302 made a lovely box for me and Michelle. We now use it to keep Michelle's clothes in there. So sweet, isn't it? Can hardly believe it's hand-made. Информация для соотечественников: такие умопомрачител...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 2 1013 29 (29) 9
Several pics) Don't know why, but this one is favorite. I think it has pretty much the same mod as in the anime. Ok, and now several pics where you can actually SEE the figurine)))...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 13 996 18 (18) 13
Two days left before Saint Valentine's Day. Anyone's planning anything special on it? Anything romantic? Me and Vallefor, we usually have a dinner in a not-too-expensive restaurant, and that's all. Noooo, it shouldn't be like that! Such a lovely d...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 8 1142 22 (22) 19
Well, Bandai has gone off trying to be all independent-like again. Rather than showing off their wares at Wonder Festival like everyone else, they've created their own show! Tamashii Features revealed a lot of new products, but not in the fields you'...
Edit tags edit entry 2 4560 13 (15) 9
Oh, look at these! I so hope that GSC finally decided to sell some changable parts for nendo-cuties *___* Очень надеюсь, что это не какой-нибудь эксклюзив, который простым смертным достать будет нельзя Т__Т...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 3 1986 20 (20) 12
Пусть и не в полный рост, и даже без доспехов, но я все же нарисовала Лейлу @__@
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 2 603 20 (28) 27
She's here! My fav girl from Clannad)) A mobile pic for now, I'll try to take some pretty photos at home tomorrow. I just loooove how this figurine copies her pose in the anime) Приехала моя любимая женщина из Clannad!) Пока порадую себя и вас...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 2 665 19 (19) 19
Well, I'd like to draw the attention of MAS to a very interesting interview courtesy of toy site It' Shortly before Wonder Festival, they asked readers to supply questions for them to ask to Kaiyodo, Max Factory, and Medicos representati...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1610 8 (8) 5
I just found this Interesting fan-art that has many of the official, unofficial and non Vocaloid voice synthesizers. It's not all of them as its missing many of the newer Vocaloids and a bajillion Miku variants but still interesting non the less. I h...
lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 903 13 (13) 6
See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 1 562 7 (7) 4
Alright, Wonder Festival has come and gone. The Mikus were appended, the Stockings were stocked, and ROBOCOP GOT A FIGMA. Anyway, we're in that lull that comes after big announcements - this week is probably going to be pretty slow figure-news-wise.
Edit tags edit entry 0 1466 5 (5) 3
A new trailer for the upcoming BRS Game has recently been reveled. It doesn't show too much of the game but manly highlights how BRS ans WRS (assumably the main villain) look in game. Makes you wonder what was up with the last trailer doesn't...
video-games news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 1667 14 (14) 13
I haven't seen these photos here yet, so I guess they are new =3 (as for me, I don't like her much >.>)...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 2 1506 18 (18) 21
Hello all! As you can see, I'm doing it slowly, one step at a time, but, yea, I'm recovering as an active Shelf user! I bought my NEW CAMERA in the first days of New Year after a months of consideration, hesitation and some hardcore photo-forums b...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 16 1227 21 (21) 10
...there are a lot of them and they are absolutely cute Nendoroid Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Nendoroid Totori (Atelier Totori) Nendoroid Kawashima Minami (Moshidora) Nendoroid Sendo Erika (Fortune Arterial) Nendoroid S...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 4 2574 14 (14) 9
I thought I'd make a post of my wants and must have from Wonderfest as there is quite a bit of stuff I'm interested in. (and hey there might be some things you haven seen yet) First up is my must haves. Strike Witches Nendoroids/ Figmas. Erica...
figures events lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 2680 16 (16) 8
Just woke up to see everyone here is already talking about Wonder Festival. All righty then! I leave the photo coverage to Kururu and others and simply make a post showing the figurines that caught my attention. Here we go... MUST GET list: 1)...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 5 1355 17 (17) 25
Just tells a random story...
Edit tags edit entry 0 693 9 (9) 7
Alright, the flood gates are open, and the new images from WF2011 are pouring in! Here's how I'm gonna do this - I'll be uploading images continuously into this post until the flow stops. For now, there'll be no text, just images. In return, I'd like...
Edit tags edit entry 4 3202 24 (24) 14
Well, tonight's the night, folks! Wonder Festival has come to town! But rather than get completely caught up in the hype, we should also remember that there are plenty of cool things that are already out, even this very week. Let's take a look at the...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1887 4 (4) 1
These are a list of online figure shops: AmiAmi – Most of you know this website. A Japanese website specializing in anime figures. They have massive things on sale. But because of its popularity, most popular figures get sold out very quickly (...
Edit tags edit entry 6 1772 3 (3) 4
Спасибо за оценку моих работ!для меня это правдо очень важно! и вообщем это очередное моё "тваренье".....И главное...если вам уже надоело-скажите.я больше не буду... просто в конце каникул внезапно посетило вдохновение...^^"..
Todji Russia
Edit tags edit entry 6 1066 31 (31) 21
Hi guys. Happy Chinese New Year!!! Hope everyone has good luck this following year ^^ So, I recently put my figures back in their box to get out from dust because I don't have time to clean them, etc >_< so what do you guys do about your figu...
Edit tags edit entry 3 837 24 (24) 9
Alright, folks. I hope your bodies are ready, 'cause that very special time that comes twice a year is nearing once more! Wonder Festival Winter 2011 begins on this Sunday, February 6th! While it's likely that leaks will begin tomorrow afternoon (as...
Edit tags edit entry 3 1690 15 (15) 10
Спасибо за положительные отзывы о моей работе!мне было очень приятно их читать! И мне действительно захотелось сделать ещё работы с этими персонажами.Начал я с Лейлы...а точнее продолжил...правдо получилась она очень странной... так сказать отдаю п...
Todji Russia
Edit tags edit entry 5 638 17 (17) 20
So, Mikatan posted some hot pics to make sure they'll announce on wonfest some hot stuff!! ;) 1) painted Hanekawa Tsubasa brom Bakemonogatari 2) unpainted ver. of Hachikuji Mayoi from Bakemonogatari 3) painted ver. of Nendoroid (or n...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 1586 15 (19) 27
Rumors abound that Figma #100 will be Miku Append. A few weeks ago blurry pictures of the Figma #100 prototype were released to the public, leading to much speculation that this would be Miku Append. Well apparently Mikatan's blog leaks an accidental...
Kajico USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 2922 16 (16) 10
So I finished the two plushies of this sites Mascotts today! I love how they turned out and I especially like Michelle's hair. So now the question is what to do with them ^_^ I would love to send them to the creator of the site.... if she wants...
SnowTigra USA
Edit tags edit entry 0 582 16 (18) 12
The past 48 hours have proven that a lot of people are attempting to count the medals one two and three. With the S.H. Figuarts line only growing in popularity and Kamen Rider OOO proving to be quite the hit, demand for both Figuarts and OOO merchand...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1632 6 (6) 6
Всем привет!я здесь недавно и из-за моего стеснительного характера мне тяжело общаться с людьми...заранее извините!...если что не так... меня заинтересовали персонажи данного проекта и я хотел бы услышать ваше мнение о работе на которую они меня вдо...
Todji Russia
Edit tags edit entry 6 721 28 (28) 38
I finished more plushies!! Got a convention coming up so working on a lot of plushies to be sold. I'll keep posting them here for people to see. But I'm still taking suggestions, if there's any characters you guys want to see me make ^_^...
SnowTigra USA
Edit tags edit entry 0 527 8 (10) 6
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