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Доброго всем дня/ночи/вечера/утра ! Хочу научиться красиво фотографировать и тренируюсь на цветах и вообще природе) Недавно у нас прошел дождик, хочу показать вам фотки Вот и они:...
YukiMeaw Ukraine
Edit tags edit entry 5 912 7 (23) 30
The other day I received my monthly order from April witch included the school uniform versions of Figma Mami and Sayaka as well as SAS Spice Girl. Of the two Figmas Sayaka is the surprise winner, Her face's in particular are all really expressive...
figures lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 118 2583 32 (34) 7
Hello everyone, it seems I haven't spammed you with pictures for a while. I have quite a lot of them (well, not anymore, I've just accidentally deleted 3 or 4 shoots, clever girl), but anyway, let there be a picspam. I really wanted to take pictures...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 70 2583 39 (39) 40
Всех с приятной погодой и теплыми деньками! Эх в прошлом посте говорила,что пока не буду покупать ни одной фигурки до покупки шкафа (витрины) для них...но девичье сердце не выдержало и вот новый лут=)) В преддверии дня рождения моего супруга..он...
figures review lots of pictures loot
Euphemia Russia
Edit tags edit entry 51 2119 14 (24) 18
I got this at the convention in Chicago, we took a little break so I decided that I should see who I got in my surprise nendoroid petit box!~~~ The price was a little high, 14 bucks isn't much but still. And drumroll~~~~~~~ HURRAY!!!! I GOT...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 14 1164 10 (10) 5
"Hey guys! Rin here, my collector Kirino just came back from an anime convention with a few more friends!! I'd love to show you my favorite of them all!!" "Did you know that she got this one just for me? Can you guess who it is? H...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 25 1235 12 (12) 7
It's been a while since I've gotten something in the mail, but after church with my friends it seems god has graced me with these three little angels!~~~ Rin, Miku, and Luka showed up on my doorstep!~~~~ More boxes!~~~ It took me forever to g...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 8 956 15 (15) 8
With me receiving a raise at where I work, I've ended up with some more money in my paycheck, and with this being a slow period ATM (the only known purchases for the coming week are DVD releases), that means I have a lot more money than usual. Henc...
Edit tags edit entry 3 789 8 (12) 1
My protagonist came in the mail, though no one really noticed her but me, those pesky non otakus. I opened her immediately, just too cute to leave in the box! My other figures had to be put away, we were re arranging my room at the time. A...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 16 1338 14 (14) 4
Добрый вечер. По следам прошедшей встречи — предоставляю отчёт. Снимки будет предоставлены позже иными участниками. Явка составила 121%, что является практически рекордом — собрать всех заявлявших об участии и ещё и тех, кто о нём не заявлял, ра...
norfolk_s3d Russia
Edit tags edit entry 37 1734 21 (21) 55
Now I had recently opened this when I first got it, but I repacked it so I could show up it all! If you can tell I'm not at my house at the moment, I'm at my grandmas, I haven't spent much time with her lately~ Wakana comes with a piano, her ca...
figures review lots of pictures
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 1735 11 (11) 8
My Madoka game prize came late last week but I didn't have time to take pictures of it and stuff, but now I do~ :D Hmmm, I wonder who it is.. *drum roll* IT'S HOMUHOMU! And now Gumi has a new friend ^__^ She's so cute! She still...
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 31 2244 16 (16) 16
Just a quick post, Yesterday I received my prize from the Madoka game. I ended up getting the school uniform version of Sayaka witch is perhaps one of the more desirable figures in the set due to the inclusion of the tiny Kyubey. Here is a clo...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 59 1229 23 (23) 2
I have been posting a lot lately, but tonight was too pretty to not take a photo school with Rin and Kirino. It was cold, but pretty. I tried my best, but some of them might be crappy >~< don't yell at me! Kirino just looks so warm in this p...
figures lots of pictures
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 12 1251 15 (15) 15
I got her yesterday, but is as so busy that I didn't get a chance to be on here. She stands 8 inches tall, is plain beautiful, and even gives us a glimpse of her 'pantsu'~ It's Kirino Kousaka, or my favorite character in the entire world! I like...
figures review
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 1153 9 (9) 5
Aside all cuteness, my little Rin has growing popularity, and more and more requests to see her more close up. Now she is now the star of the show, and is not afraid show off her cuteness as she tries to pronounce her favorite transporting device, th...
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 7 1143 11 (13) 6
В пятницу (26.04), в Москве мы снимаем ролик для Nokia. Если ты увлекаешься комиксами, собираешь все что относится к Star Wars, Star Trek или быть может тебе нравятся аниме; если твои полки ломятся от настольных игр, картриджей для денди, идеально вы...
Edit tags edit entry 32 617 -16 (20) 4
I finally got the chance to tell you all about my new nendoroid. She is a new addition to my family [you can see the rest in the background] Her name is Rin Kagamine, and she has to be the cutest thing on the planet. Rin comes with everything a littl...
figures review
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 1403 13 (13) 7
Продам: Цена: 4000р Качество: Новая, коробка не вскрыта Доставка: Возможна, на ваш страх и риск :) Город: Москва Способ оплаты: Наличные/Перевод на карточку Сбербанка Связь: 8(916)397-97-15...
Edit tags edit entry 130 1779 6 (6) 1
Here are some pictures from the recent Miyazawa Models Spring Exhibition 2013 showcasing many upcoming figures and things. Sorce and more pictures from AmiAmi's facebook page. Link1 Link2 Link3...
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 47 12873 30 (30) 44
[LEFT]Всем здрасте ^_^ Сегодня я пишу про своих котов . Довольна таки упертые персонажи я вам скажу :) . Первый кот это Пуся , он ну очень мой лучший друг он со мной уже 10 лет . С ним я ходила и на речку и куда только не хо...
Koteyka Russia
Edit tags edit entry 21 3703 8 (36) 53
Hello! So I was waiting for the summer to take pictures of Menma and try to sell her if someone would buy a figure without the base. (My penguins live there and I'm not going to take it away from them). And then I thought that I made winter clothes...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 119 4870 60 (62) 120
I've haven't been getting any original ideas lately It's been rather difficult, but the other day I saw a box of these 'plastic pearls' and ideas started flowing again! What a random trigger xD The lesson being; don't be sad even if you have art...
figures lots of pictures
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 19 2165 23 (25) 26
I got a message on tsukiboard 2 or 3 months ago, somebody was asking if they could use my picture for some photobook. I gave them permission and forgot about it until they asked my address. Soon the ems-guy came and gave me the book. The pictures...
figures lots of pictures printed matters outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 50 2954 45 (45) 54
WARNING: Due to the amount of pictures that appear in this blog post, it may make take a while for all the pictures to load on slower machines My Katsucon report continues with the cosplay. Ever since I first started attending the con in 2002, Kat...
lots of pictures cosplay
Edit tags edit entry 7 14344 8 (12) 9
The other day I received my January figure order, which was only Phat's Hibari figure (technically came out months ago) and the single of the second jojo anime theme song (which I didn't take any pictures of) I really love this song, I can't even rem...
anime figures review lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 62 2489 23 (23) 6
On Valentine's Day weekend (or President's Day weekend, for you people living in the United States), I attended my first anime convention of the 2013 season (and the second convention in a period that will have me attending three different themed con...
Edit tags edit entry 4 1286 8 (8) 3
In advance, I'm sorry for the terrible lighting. These pictures are taken in my bedroom which has one red wall and one orange wall, so the lighting is always rather redish. I tried fixing it but it didn't go so well. A new friend moved in today.
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 27 1335 12 (12) 11
А потом зажглись прекрасные фонарики. Как всегда спасибо за внимание :3 Ello guys. Today (well more like yesterday) was the first time this autumn-winter I took a definite piece of PVC to a definite place to take some definite pic...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 52 1458 20 (20) 31
СНОВА ЗДРАСТИ!! Вот и пришли ко мне очередные журнальчики с HLJ. Дошли быстро (около двух недель), но там была небольшая задержка с их отправкой. Из за выходных и праздника у HLJ видимо собралось приличное количество заказов на отправку и в ко...
review lots of pictures loot printed matters
Edit tags edit entry 25 2453 10 (10) 61
Всем привет Сегодня вновь понадоедаю вам с фото xD День у нас в городе выдался неплохой, достаточно теплый, да и задумки кое-какие были, поэтому я захватила фотик, парочку пвх-девчат и двинулась в путь. Однако погода оказалась обманчива (да и я, в...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 102 4560 33 (33) 75
figures new releases lots of pictures
Edit tags edit entry 21 2677 24 (24) 43
Просто не смог пройти мимо не выслушав мнение остальных. Так как вам такие размеры новой Super Sonico от A-Toys?? Just couldn't pass by this new Sonico figure from A-Toys. What do you have to say about her?? Масштаб: 1/2 Высота: 900мм.
figures new releases
Edit tags edit entry 72 4636 12 (14) 45
The first 'real' snow came in late November (and then not again until before New Year's), and Miku-chan INSISTED that I took her out and snapped a few photos of her. (She's so sassy...) I wasn't out for very long as I was too lazy to out on warm...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 17 1472 18 (20) 19
I'm back with my thoughts of the previous anime season. I didn't review the previous season because I dont think I really watched anything from it. Here are my thoughts on the Fall anime season. Busou Shinki My surprise favorite of the se...
anime review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 57 6019 18 (20) 0
Merry Christmas everyone! ...and a happy new year too! The most suitable Christmas picture I could find. Sorry I havent been posting much (besides pictures) lately. I've just been finding it difficult to write blog posts recently, I am working...
figures lots of pictures loot anime stuff printed matters
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 35 2442 16 (16) 5
Всем привет! Вот и прошла очередная, на этот раз предновогодняя, сходка Полки :) Народу должно было быть в этот раз очень много, но когда определились с местом и ценой за бронь - часть отвалилась. К слову, с местом очень долго определялись. В...
figures meetings events lots of pictures otaku life
Vallefor Russia
Edit tags edit entry 24 2430 35 (35) 30
Anywho this is my first time going, I dont go to conventions very often. Anywho I made a rough list of the things I want to buy there but I have no idea how to check if my price estimates are correct. The convection area is going to be really huge t...
figures question otaku life
Edit tags edit entry 87 1462 1 (3) 1
Всем привет Сегодня я бы хотела поделиться двумя немного противоположными вещами - парочкой пляжных фото и сборкой елки xD Начну, пожалуй, с летнего. Не так давно была в отпуске и, уже можно сказать по традиции, захватила с собой фигурки. Только...
figures creative art
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 53 2692 24 (24) 47
To start things off, I might as well explain why I haven't done an Anime USA report here after over a month passed since the con. The reason for it is like this: I actually did have plans to do one here. However, when I was going to take a photo of t...
figures new releases
Edit tags edit entry 14 1308 13 (13) 2
И таки шалом! Счастливой хануки! Внезапный момент: питерские полочники решили собраться. Когда: 15.12.2012 18:00. Где: Пельменная "Дюжина" (ТРЦ «Галерея», 4 этаж). В программе: — специальный иногородний гость; — вручение подарков...
norfolk_s3d Russia
Edit tags edit entry 10 1568 10 (12) 40
I took these pictures when I went to Denmark in July, but I totally forgot that I even had them, so I just edited them now. They're not as good as my recent ones, but I still think they're worth posting.
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 21 1773 22 (22) 22
This is something I've been wondering about this for a while now, but I've been noticing more and more how badly painted my Chopper is. My first thought was of course that he's a bootleg (which is possible, as I heard from his previous owner that...
figures question lots of pictures
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 6 2059 8 (8) 29
Hello! I am selling a bunch of figures that my brother left behind when he moved. They are all guaranteed to be 100% authentic as they come from an avid collector! I would be more than happy to take and send more detailed photos to serious buyer...
wald203 Canada
Edit tags edit entry 222 2669 3 (9) 4
Вот и моя очередь открывать подарок, в этом году я одна из первых :3 Коробоньку получила не так давно и немного удивилась, мы со Starsy отправляли подарки друг другу (я подпортила сюрприз, но моя посылка должна вот-вот дойти и все бы все равно стало...
advent lots of pictures
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 74 5012 25 (27) 38
Didn't feel well today and decided to stay home, ended up with a bunch of stupid pictures I wanted to share :'D It's really dark and the tripod got left at home so enjoy the crappy flash. At the end I got better in taking pictures with it and I hope...
figures lots of pictures
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 34 1555 21 (21) 24
NOTE: If the following report doesn't feel as lengthy as my usual reports, it's due to the fact that this weekend is Anime USA, and I wanted to get this report done before I head to the con (as that will be a priority report-wise next week). On Mo...
Edit tags edit entry 11 1237 11 (11) 2
I'd probably would have started on this sooner. However, with a busy period involving a Rifftrax event in theaters, my niece turning two, and concern about a hurricane hitting my area, I haven't really gotten a chance to start writing the blog post u...
Edit tags edit entry 8 1545 8 (8) 3
Edit - this post is now irrelevant JoJo is now officially available on crunchyroll. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the few shows that isn't being simulcast This anime season. But surprisingly, there are quite a few fansub groups subbing the th...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 27 10257 8 (10) 0
Time for a new photoshoot with Miku!! ^__^ The weather was nice and not too cold, so I decided to take a chance. What I didn't notice earlier though was that the wind was pretty strong at times, so balancing her on the big leaves was pretty mu...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 11 1644 30 (30) 18
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