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Hey, guys. Over the last week, I obtained a few new additions to my collection, and figured I'd share them with you. The first would be this Petit Nendoroid of Noel Vermillion from BlazBlue. The figure was originally only bundled with the Japa...
Edit tags edit entry 3 617 5 (5) 5
After checking out a blog entry here pertaining to some of the other anime merchandise that one of the regulars has, I thought it would be fun to show off another aspect of anime merchandise that I collect besides figures and plushies. In my case, I'...
Edit tags edit entry 6 1517 8 (8) 6
So did another photo review a moment ago, posted stuff up :D Her, and a bit of surprise too. Also, in response to Vallefor's question about my hand-made light box. This is how I decided to position my two lights, still using the tw...
Eld Canada
Edit tags edit entry 19 749 2 (2) 4
'Sup, Shelfers. I figured I'd round up some of the current and upcoming preorders, because there are honestly a lot of really cool ones coming out. Let me tell you, 2010 is a great year for figures. FORE! First off, we have a new Figma - Aigi...
Edit tags edit entry 9 1635 9 (9) 6
So, suppose you're browsing the internet. You see a figure you really like, and try to find more info. But wait! Your eyes fall upon the dreaded word: exclusive. So what now, you ask? Well, don't give up hope. It IS possible to obtain exclusive i...
Edit tags edit entry 6 1357 11 (11) 12
Sorry it took me a while, but I'm going to offer a double-serving of guides today to make up for the delay. Once again, the icons are completely unrelated due to lack of a fitting icon. Greetings, comrades! I return today with another write-up to...
Edit tags edit entry 11 1871 7 (7) 14
I've just uploaded a small photo session of the newest Fate Stay Night Nendoroid Petite Set (by Good Smile Company). Yeah, exactly the same figurines we'll be giving away as summer lottery prizes. Off course you will get new and unopened ones :) But...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 41 1437 9 (9) 15
Hello all! It has been a long time since I made my last post here. Many things happened that required my attention (like my dog's death T_T) so I've been able to maintain my activity here only via comments. Hope things will get better from now o...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 10 2032 10 (10) 20
I got a bunch of things that transform today! Fist up is S.I.C. Kiwami Tamashii Kamen Rider Faiz and SB-555V Auto Vajin Overall their both neat. Although Auto Vajin's transformation is not as well done as a Transformer, in vehicle mode his...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 1525 5 (5) 7
Sorry about the delay, folks! Here's number three in the Figure Newcomer Guides. This guide is for the folks who have decided that posable figures are the kind for them, and don't know where to begin. Well, fear no more! I have some tips from my expe...
Edit tags edit entry 15 11079 6 (6) 13
I decided that rather than wait until the weekend to do so, I decided to post my blog post about the cosplay pictures that I took at Otakon tonight. After all, it's not like I'll take forever to write this post. An Engineer from Team Fortress...
Edit tags edit entry 5 5972 4 (4) 3
This past weekend was Otakon, the huge anime convention in Baltimore, Maryland that has always been my summer vacation destination ever since 2001. With such a huge convention, that means a huge Dealers' Room filled with various merchants selling var...
Edit tags edit entry 5 1455 5 (5) 8
Well, folks, another week, another Figma. this time, it's none other than Asuka Langley in her test plugsuit! Soryuu? Shikinami? WHAT ARE YOU!? This was a new plugsuit that made its debut in Evangelion 2.0: You can (not) Advance. Oh, Gai...
Edit tags edit entry 1 1012 8 (8) 10
The first (and hopefully only) Item for this month form ThreeA is the Heavy Bramble from the World War Robot series. He will cost about $280 USD (Includes shipping) and will be available at on the 12th of August...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 634 3 (3) 2
Hallo, everynyan! It's me again, this time to inform you about the different kinds of material you will find in your figure-collecting travels. PVC PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is by far the most common material you'll see in figures. Everything...
Edit tags edit entry 5 610 9 (9) 9
Well, well, well. Seems like today was quite a fruitful day for the folks at GSC and Kaiyodo, because a bunch of preorders have opened up. First off, we have a very cool bundle that WON'T cost you an arm and a leg for once! What is this bundle...
Edit tags edit entry 2 4091 2 (2) 11
Alright, Glory recently requested me to write some articles to serve as a sort of guide to getting into the figure-collecting hobby. I'm filing these under Private Stuff since they involve this site more than figures or otaku stuff. Also, don't ask w...
Edit tags edit entry 18 1334 15 (15) 25
'Sup, Shelfers! It's nice to be back here (I was away for a few days, without internet access). But enough personal crap, let's get to the meat of this post! While we've already seen the offerings from most of the major figure manufacturers at W...
Edit tags edit entry 4 754 5 (5) 9
Yesterday I tried to find some close-up photos of certain figures from wonfest. If you interested here is some photos of Miku Love is War, Hanekawa Tsubasa, Mina: And here is some other figures: Also I find many garage kits whic...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 8 1052 5 (5) 20
Disappointed or underwhelmed With the Black Rock Shooter OVA? There still is hope. According to Danny Choo, there will be a stop motion short film animated by the people who made A Nightmare Before Christmas! The animation will supposedly be i...
anime news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 867 5 (7) 10
Some more pictures from wonderfest. Only posting stuff torikorino didn't already post. Lots of JoJo's Bizarre adventure Part 4 stuff! Kira Koichi and Echoes Okuyasu The Hand Part 4 Jotaro and Star Platinum Nendoroid stu...
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1857 3 (5) 6
NOTICE: This review is based on watching the raw. While I know enough Japanese to understand the basic gist of what's going on, I'll update this review upon seeing the subbed version. Also, there are some spoilers in the later portion of the review.
Edit tags edit entry 3 2523 2 (4) 8
Some photos from the anime-shops of Alicante (a city in Spain) ^__^ The first shop isn't very big and there are only comics and manga: But the second one is very popular becouse there are also some very interesting things ^o^ It's name is &q...
NatalyJane Russia
Edit tags edit entry 10 5225 10 (10) 9
Thanks to Impending_Sky's latest blog post I found out that the Black★Rock shooter universe actually has a lot more characters than just Black★Rock shooter and Dead Master. There is Black★Rock shooter and her human/ untransformed form Mato K...
anime lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 7 3779 14 (14) 14
From Mikatan's blog whoa, GSC pplz at work, I like to look at pictures like this one ^^ hm? can't wait to see the finished figure of Miku *__* Black Gold Saw...a new character for me ^^' little friend for nendo BRS =3 >...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 4 560 9 (9) 19
Well, scans of the newest issue of Hobby Japan are making their way onto the *chans, and with them, come several interesting new figures. First off, we have the highly-anticipated Figma Asuka! Given that she includes all the accessories the Fr...
Edit tags edit entry 2 2164 6 (6) 14
Well, the Figma Blog updated again today, showing off one of the more highly-anticipated Figmas. This time, it's Dead Master! Inb4 someone makes a comment about the hole in her butt. Whereas Black*Rock Shooter has her comically oversized ca...
Edit tags edit entry 3 903 9 (9) 17
Alright, so I joined a few days ago because I wanted to add my favourites figures to the database since they weren't there already. I'm Saija, or Roll as I'm known on many websites like Livejournal (roll_chan89, active), deviantArt (RollChan, inactiv...
Roll Finland
Edit tags edit entry 5 595 9 (9) 15
GSC put a teaser of their new project ...and it seems new figure appears =) There are rumors she will be sold at Wonder Festival as an exclusive, no information about wider release yet.
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 3 347 3 (5) 4
Well, some interesting photos have been popping up recently. If the figure depicted is real, then it seems that our next Nendoroid will be none other than TEH REI herself. And there was much rejoicing. However, don't start getting too excited...
Edit tags edit entry 5 2905 6 (6) 12
Today i reorganized my figure boxes in my closet. Thought I'd share a picture of all the boxes laid out across the floor. Quite impressive isn't it? By the way this isn't all of my figure boxes. The smaller boxes (figma, jojo, etc) are on s...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 493 5 (5) 7
There are some clever guys sitting in a Max Factory marketing department^^ At first they did a great job turning the anime/game – figures routine inside out. Rather then stick with making figures from anime they’re now making a (free distributed)...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 13 2738 11 (11) 23
I got my eagerly awaited Giant Robo / Killer Queen package in the mail today and i couldn't be happier with them. (Well maybe if they got here sooner.) Have done an excellent job on Giant Robo All of his revoltech joints are very well hidden.
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 27 1971 8 (8) 6
I stumbled upon Miwa Shorow's art today on Sankaku. I usually don't save arts I find on the internet, but he is quite irresistible! He is a mangaka actually, author of Dogs manga (the one I just MUST check now I've seen his works), and illustrato...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 5 4654 7 (7) 18
Hey, everyone! I've been experimenting with various props in my photos lately, so I figured I'd share some of the results. I recently took this picture out of sheer boredom. But it's yummy~ But I've had even more fun combining props among...
Edit tags edit entry 3 1196 7 (7) 3
It seems that humans aren't the only ones who love playing with toys. This article is a bit old, but it made me smile - just read it here. It describes the tale of Louis, the octopus who loves his toy Mr. Potato Head. I put it under th...
Edit tags edit entry 1 1055 6 (6) 11
I got a package today! I'm not sure if i should have made this order You will find out why in a little bit. The order included Queen's Blade Rebellion Vante (My second most wanted queen's blade figure after Melona), Emotion Style Ranka Lee and Kiwami...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 11 1679 6 (6) 5
Long time no post, and what's this, IT'S NOT FIGMA OR KAMEN RIDERS! I was able to get from Amiami the Taito Game Prize figures of Misaka and Kuroko. They are very nice, I am extremely surprised how good these two figures are considering how cheap...
Kajico USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 1117 6 (8) 2
A little while ago I was posing my revoltech Nowa and i discovered that her weapon breaks really easily. It's made out of two parts which are glued together at a really small point. you can see the section in the picture below. After i was don...
figures guide
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 16 1038 7 (9) 5
What have we here? It seems that on July 7th of all days, Good Smile Company announced that they're finally gonna re-release the Kaito Nendoroid! "Hell yeah! About time, too!" Since the figure's initial release way back in February...
Edit tags edit entry 3 1890 6 (6) 9
The first and so far only figure to be sold this month from ThreeA is Ankou from the Adventure Kartel series. Ankou Will be sold on on July 12th, 9-00am Hong Kong time as a single figure with a random color (shou...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 485 4 (4) 3
Hey, everyone! You remember how one of the items from the Amiami loot in my last blog was an ULTRA-ACT Ultraman? Well, it turns out that the figure's defective. The waist joint is so floppy, the figure can't even support its own weight. The su...
Edit tags edit entry 15 2321 9 (9) 7
My azunyan nendoroid (witch was the main prize of the spring lottery) arrived today! This post is mostly me having fun taking lots of pictures of her. She also came with a myanimeshelf badge! "Quickly we must remove her from this p...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 12 1416 14 (14) 13
Today I found out Aksys Games was at AX selling Noel, and there are plans to sell her on their website! This is pretty nice for everyone who doesn't know Japanese, or doesn't want to buy the game. I know I'll be checking their site like crazy! Unfort...
Edit tags edit entry 19 3556 4 (4) 12
While randomly browsing the web i stumbled upon this. It's Alice from the Queen's Gate series as a revoltech figure.. A very interesting choice for a character as she hasn't appeared in the anime, but existing none the less. Sadly the picture...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 21 2681 6 (6) 5
Finally, i have a box, sent by EMS from HLJ (again enormous box (~30*30*40 cm)), but i have to visit our EMS office to take thу parcel (coz our couriers work too slow, i haven't got time to sit home & wait them for days((( In the box there are...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 26 2036 11 (11) 5
Let me continue with my ex:ride madness. Mu597 suggested to recreate this scene when I’ll be reviewing my ex:ride classical bikes. So, when few days ago Tsumugi and Ritsu figmas arrived safely at my headquarters, I decided to do so. Between phot...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 39 4431 9 (9) 8
Well, it seemed that the mailman missed me today, because there was a pink slip in my mailbox saying that there was a package for me at the post office. Sure enough, I went there, and picked up my May/June Amiami order. "What do you think...
Edit tags edit entry 9 723 7 (7) 14
Here is some news about BRS: E2046 launched a new ORI project for BRS with addition of some creative elements! The huge canon she holds is her symbol. In order to freshen up her look, ORI has designed a motorcycle for her. What do you think ab...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 521 7 (7) 8
... saving my mind from the theory of probabilities. ^_^ After a question from KururuSouchou I've tried to recombine Sebastian & Churuya, So this is what happened. PS Don't kill me for this job))) Sebastian got new hairstyle & really...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 25 910 13 (13) 8
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