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Наступил день шестой парада, и мы встречаем его вместе с таинственным артом от Dzeta! Dzeta сразу призналась мне, что арт "не формат". Пожалуй, это и правда так... но нам с жюри рисунок очень полюбился. Он загадочный и трогательный. Дума...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 15 4258 24 (36) 46
Встречаем воскресенье вместо с артом от Chicot! Ее рисунок участвует в параде под номером 5. Жюри особенно хочется отметить образ Лейлы - из всех художников Chicot подарила ей, наверное, самое сексуальное тело. По секрету, нам очень давно хотелос...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 11 3040 20 (30) 38
День четвертый у нас проходит с художником по имени Борис. Бориса нет на Полке, он узнал о конкурсе благодаря рекламе на другом ресурсе и скромненько так мне написал: "Примете?". Конечно, примем! :) Арт яркий, позитивный, озорной! Наде...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 9 3398 17 (31) 25
Фон для третьего дня был подготовлен Severe_S. Наше жюри нашло его очень свежим, воздушным и лаконичным. Спасибо, Severe_S! :D Повторяюсь, Severe_S и все последующие участники парада получат небольшие памятные призы. Какие, пока не скажу, они...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 9 3953 18 (30) 31
A few days ago came I recieve a Saber Extra (from Gift) figure. We already have original, Lily and Alter (yes, yes she not from Gift, but she also looks nice with them). Saber Extra is realy cool! Just look at photos :) It have some comments i...
Vallefor Russia
Edit tags edit entry 122 2942 45 (45) 29
Второй день нашего парада проходит вместе с RacoonKun и его потрясающим "оранжевым" артом. Это еще одна работа, которая нам очень и очень понравилась. Ее отметили все члены жюри. И нам давно хотелось такой яркий и солнечный фон... В...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 21 8472 40 (42) 76
Thanks to Viridia's help I know have the phantasy star online 2 character creation demo thing. I don't really know to much about the game itself but I'm having fun with the character creator! (btw I'm using the lowest graphical settings because my co...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 9 5193 14 (16) 7
Today I received my last figure from April, Penumbra from ThreeA's Adventure Kartel series and tought I'd make a review of sorts about her. (From now on I want to try and make a post every time a receive a figure or figures, I know I've said this bef...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 13 9217 8 (10) 1
ThreeA just recently held their Re-Venture art show witch showcased art by Ashley Wood, William Wray and Rufus Dayglo and of course prototypes of upcoming figures. Here are some pictures from the show. General Ashley Wood/ 3A stuff...
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 9 12490 8 (10) 8
I really need some help! Her ..erm... leek thingy fell of her stomach part. (Because I'm a noob, and disgrace to the nerd community). I tried super gluing the tips together, but they're so tiny and fragile that they just fall apart again when I at...
figures question i'm raging
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 27 1617 5 (5) 17
Hey everyone I've found some more free music downloads I'd like to share. First up is a new EP "STADE 3" by french house (?) artist Mr. Oizo. You can get it here. And ext is a new single "Get Free" by Major Lazer. You ca...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 962 6 (6) 0
Yay she is finally here! Only Kyoko to go now~ Sayaka is probably my favourite character from Madoka Magica so I was really excited when she came. I didn't take as many pictures as I usually do, mainly because they take so long to upload and I am sti...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 33 2183 26 (26) 15
It's been ages since I have recieved a new figure so I was really excited when Mami arrived! I haven't made a blog post in a while as well. I am still trying to get used to my camera, my dad got me 'Nikon D5000 For Dummies' but I haven't fully read i...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 38 1230 16 (16) 7
This month ThreeA is holding it's Re-Venture art show witch will have new artwork and figures on display. There is going to be lots of exclusive figures as well (mostly repaints) including the figure debut of the major Popbot character Lady Sham! Mor...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 7 3183 9 (11) 4
The other day I received my figure order from march (minus the GSC Homu Homu which is coming from HLJ) I thought I'd do some mini reviews on the loot. Figma Mami is the highlight of all of these. Her sculpt and paint are very well done (althou...
figures review lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 47 2947 18 (18) 9
Состоялось 4 Московская Полко-сходка. Дата ей - 31 марта 2012 года. Гип-гип-ура! :D Встречи для нас - уже дело привычное, но тем не менее, сходка оставила очень свежее впечатление. Вроде бы мы и шли в то место, где уже были (ресторанчик "На Л...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 19 2169 33 (33) 67
Мой арт на тему Скайрима Как вы поняли мой список кавайных психопатов пополнил Цецеро ^^ няяяшкаааа :3 если бы он только не пел в засаде =.= My fan art of Skyrim ^^ ПС есть ли кто на девиант арте кто может мне объяснить как настроить стр...
AkemiHatiko Ukraine
Edit tags edit entry 3 1469 7 (7) 9
This isn't very much but tonight, waiting for my Sims to finish working in their gardens, I downloaded an app to keep me entertained while waiting an hour for them to finish. It is called KawaiiMEGU. At first I was reluctant to download it because it...
Edit tags edit entry 5 910 4 (4) 6
I purchased a Nendoroid Petit Sayaka Miki (School Uniform version) on the 21st and I just received her today. She came all the way from California, a collector was getting rid of some of her collection. Sayaka was purchased for a mere 10 dollars whic...
Edit tags edit entry 8 853 15 (15) 8
Конкурс завершен. Art contest The new art contest is announced! It's a long-term and complicated one, please read the rules carefully. The goal is to create a new background for the Shelf: two mascots (Michelle and Leila) and back image.
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 54 11634 40 (40) 179
Новая порция сканов =3...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 5 3337 21 (21) 43
Would anyone happen to know where I could purchase the Madoka Kaname Unoffical Garage Kit as shown here? Been looking around for quiet a few hours now but I just can't seem to fin...
Edit tags edit entry 1 863 4 (4) 8
Два рандомных фото, сделанных на выходных) Saturday: my childhood dream suddenly came true) I'm finally a proud owner of a big plushie Pikachu! Суббота: внезапно осуществилась моя детская мечта) Наконец-то у меня есть свой собственный плюшевый...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 0 2868 16 (16) 27
Hi all! I've been Platinum busy lately with work and university but I thought I'd take some time off to just ramble on about what I watched last season. First up we have Nisemonogatari, the sequel to Bakenonogatari. I wasn't quite sure if I wa...
Chiaki Australia
Edit tags edit entry 34 12803 11 (11) 13
Ребят-девчат, случилось "страшное". Я сдала N1. Я этого не ожидала и планировала, что до июля буду сидеть, зарывшись в учебники как проклятая. Но теперь пересдача надо мной не висит, и я потихоньку возвращаюсь в жизнь проекта. И вот как...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 7 1541 13 (13) 17
Now on to the games I got 3 games with my Vita Hot Shots Golf, Lumines and Wipeout all three are from some of my favorite series and they don't disappoint. Everybody's Golf Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Hot Shots Golf is a nice fun &qu...
review video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 1483 7 (7) 5
The other week I got a PlayStation Vita and I've been meaning to right a review of sorts well here it is. (I'm going to split this into two separate reviews one on the device and one on the games) The Vita itself is a nice device has a similar wei...
review video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 1189 8 (10) 5
So to to help in the aid of farewell to this month this article shall be dedicated to powerful team ups! Our first power couple! *drumroll please* Naraku(Inuyasha) and Orochimaru(Naruto) Yes we are all screwed. These back-stabbing, mind bend...
Edit tags edit entry 6 870 1 (1) 0
Добрый вечер, девочки и мальчики. Как самый болтливый участник, возьму на себя бремя максимально отчитаться о проделанной работе. Итак, на сегодняшний день был запланировал приезд Его Святейшества Диккси в Санкт-Петербург, к чему была приурочена...
meetings otaku life
norfolk_s3d Russia
Edit tags edit entry 14 1608 19 (19) 50
This year, Katsucon had a lot of variety when it came to cosplay, and it was more than just anime and video games. The following are some of the cosplay that I saw the con. Ordinary cosplay: Dressing up as a character from Puella Magi Madoka M...
Edit tags edit entry 3 10401 7 (7) 1
Once again, I went to Katsucon this President's Day weekend. When it comes to the events of the con, you can read my opinions about it here. As for the Dealers' Room, I definitely got a good haul this convention after somewhat of a disappointment the...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1645 5 (5) 2
Well it's finally happening 3A's Metal gear Rex figure will go on sale on Bambaland store on on March 2nd at 9-00am (hong kong time) and will cost $490(USD) To help you get a better idea of how huge it is here is a picture of Yoji Shinkawa (th...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 3242 7 (9) 5
(Can I even do music news? I don't even know.) Today the Gorillaz released a new song called DoYaThing as part of Converse’s 3 artists 1 song series. The song is a collaboration with Andre 3000 and James Murphy (from LCD Soundsystem) You ca...
offtopic news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 2876 10 (10) 6
Новая порция сканов, многое уже видели, но есть и новые фигурки =3 Имя дамочки повеселило) Это она, на родном нихонском, вроде как Бака Низуми что ли?)))...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 3 3764 17 (17) 32
Yay it's my B-day so I'm going to doing a sexy article! The japanese hugging pillow also known as a dakimakura and up until recently a mostly male only merchandise. A dakimakura is a body pillow with a image of your favorite anime charcter on it.
Edit tags edit entry 8 2009 6 (6) 8
I want you to see my figures. It isn`t anime figures. I made them for myself ^^ I have my own style) I like art and I want to perfect myself. Sorry for my English. I`m so lazy :D честно говоря я вообще не люблю показывать свои работы не-родственни...
AkemiHatiko Ukraine
Edit tags edit entry 1 1306 13 (13) 31
Katsucon is not for for a few more days (and I'm definitely looking forward to it, although scheduling situations could affect my first go-round on Friday). However, I'm still getting figures before the con starts. As you've seen in my photos, I rece...
Edit tags edit entry 4 1244 7 (7) 1
Sorry that I'm a bit slow with this post but the most recent Wonder Festival took place over the weekend here are some of the highlights. Mu's Opinion - Overall I'm a bit underwhelmed with this years showings, there were plenty of grea...
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 6 2803 17 (17) 4
Well last year Bluefin Tamashii Nations USA held a DEC 2011 Photo contest; sadly I did not win. I was hoping the Bluefin Tamashii folks would at least tell us they were judging by categories or if photo-shopping was allowed or not. Nonetheless, I...
Viridia USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1201 7 (7) 9
It's not fair guys get all the good stuff in anime merchandise! I mean hello there are girls on this planet that watch anime you know! I mean there are like 30 diffrent figures of the same charcter for them to choose from, ranging from poseable,remov...
Edit tags edit entry 6 1004 5 (5) 7
К сожалению, у меня сейчас совершенно нет сил написать внятный пост, поскольку день был слишком уж богат на события. Во-первых, сегодня я впервые побывала на своей берлинской работе (подробности - по желанию и завтра), во-вторых, после работы мне при...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 8 1987 21 (21) 29
Once again, I apologize for not doing this sooner. A lot of this can be contributed to my mind being focused on other things (i.e. an Android tablet that I got for Xmas, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) and the fact that I was under the weather a...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1082 5 (5) 0
Hug Day is an annual holiday created by Rev. Kevin Zaborney. It occurs on January 21 and is officially recognized by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, but is not a public holiday. The holiday was founded on January 21, 1986 in Car...
minorin_rin Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 4115 16 (16) 16
Recently I have been having problems with my latest figma - Homura. Her hands keep falling out and its getting really annoying when I am trying to pose her. Also my BRS figma has these black marks on her thighs and looks really bad and is putting me...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 13 1990 6 (6) 5
Finally the lens arrived so I am able to take some pictures with my new camera Its so much better and more fun to use, I am still trying to get used to the weight of it and all the different settings The glasses are so cute, I am yet to try them...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 7 919 15 (15) 6
A week (or two) ago I placed a preorder for this figure on amiami. I got the order confirmation email but not the "we have secured your amount" email, I have the figure preorderd on HLJ as well and I was going to cancel it on there when I g...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 960 2 (2) 7
I was wondering If anyone knows of any good Visual Novels that are available to play in English. Non hentai would be preferred but I wouldn't mind H-scenes in them if they aren't the main focus of the game. Vallefor recommended Tsukihime so I have...
question video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 8309 9 (9) 34
I just played the recently released Katawa Shoujo, and it completely surprised me I absolutely loved it! I have played a few visual novels before and I didn't care too much for them they were either too short to leave much of an impact or most of the...
review lots of pictures video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 12074 16 (16) 14
A wild Box appears on desk! Annelotte used CUT !! Somewhat delayed X-mas present, nonetheless, I got the expensive figma Miku. Okay few things about figma racing Miku, the is not included in the box, but rather it's packed in an...
Viridia USA
Edit tags edit entry 44 1591 30 (30) 12
Sorry I'm a bit late with this news post, but 3A's Zaku will go on sale on January 6th 9:00 am Hong Kong time (less then 24 hours from now) on bambaland. The Zaku is 16" tall and will cost $330 usd with shipping. The next item of January...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 2509 9 (11) 0
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