
Figures moderator | |
Rating: | 5123.7 |
SP: | 14276.8 |
Anime: | 891 |
Figures: | 693 |
Blog posts: | 33 |
Comments: | 12062 |
I'm in love with the game DMMd and it's re-connect. *__*
My fav chars are Mink, Clear and Aoba. =)
And now - Yuri!! on Ice. Love figure skating, and love relationship betwenn Victor and Yuri. *__*

Seragaki Aoba & Ren
1/7, PVC, Max Factory
Purchase: 24 Jul 2014, nippon-yasan, 12180¥
...but he is cool.

Nendoroid Seragaki Aoba & Ren
PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company
Purchase: 17 May 2014, AmiAmi, 4200¥
Голое пузико, укэшная мордашка... Теряю волю. *__*

Nendoroid Noiz
PVC, ABS, Good Smile Company
Purchase: 23 Dec 2014, 4800¥
Still not sure shall I sell him after the release or shall I not...

DRAMAtical Murder Earphone Jack Charm Set B: Mink
Brass, PVC, Toy's Planning
Purchase: 12 Aug 2014, 540¥

DRAMAtical Murder Earphone Jack Charm Set B: Aoba
Brass, PVC, Toy's Planning
Purchase: 12 Aug 2014, 540¥

DRAMAtical Murder Earphone Jack Charm Set A: Morphine
Brass, PVC, Toy's Planning
Purchase: 12 Aug 2014, 540¥

DRAMAtical Murder Can Keychain Collection 2: Mink
Tin, Gift
Purchase: 20 Sep 2014, яха!, 210¥
I love re-connect and Mink's rout! And I do not care the stupid idea of can-design keyholders in Mink's case, lol.

DRAMAtical Murder Capsule Rubber Mascot: Trip
Rubber, Bandai
Purchase: 02 Sep 2014, 300¥
Коллективка у ziq! *__*

DRAMAtical Murder Capsule Rubber Mascot: Virus
Rubber, Bandai
Purchase: 02 Sep 2014, 300¥
Коллективка у ziq! *__*

Nitro+CHiRAL Trump Ver. ① DRAMAtical Murder: Seragaki Aoba, Ren
Acrylic, Gift
Purchase: 24 Oct 2015, 400¥
Коллект Dartys_Shnaken.

Nitro+CHiRAL Trump Ver. ① DRAMAtical Murder: Mink
Acrylic, Gift
Purchase: 24 Oct 2015, 400¥
Коллект Dartys_Shnaken.

es series Shiki -Illustration by Uiro Yamada-
1/8, ABS, PVC, Kotobukiya
Purchase: 06 Oct 2014, У Леты!, 7140¥

Yuri on Ice Toji Colle Acrylic Keychain Vol.2: Yuri Katsuki & Victor
Acrylic, metal, Twinkle
Purchase: 01 Mar 2017, AmiAmi, 702¥

Yuri!! on Ice El Cute Trading Acrylic Keyholders: Yuri Katsuki
Acrylic, EXRARE
Purchase: 01 Jan 2017, AmiAmi, 648¥

Chara-Forme Yuri!!! on Ice Acrylic Strap Collection: Yuri Katsuki A
Acrylic, empty
Purchase: 01 Feb 2017, AmiAmi, 648¥

Chara-Forme Yuri!!! on Ice Acrylic Strap Collection: Victor Nikiforov B
Acrylic, empty
Purchase: 01 Feb 2017, AmiAmi, 648¥

Chara-Forme Yuri!!! on Ice Acrylic Strap Collection: Yuri Plisetsky A
Acrylic, empty
Purchase: 01 Feb 2017, AmiAmi, 648¥

Yuri on Ice Toji Colle Rubber Clip Badge Vol.2: Yuri Katsuki
ATBC-PVC, Twinkle
Purchase: 01 Mar 2017, AmiAmi, 648¥

Yuri on Ice Toji Colle Rubber Clip Badge Vol.2: Victor Nikiforov
ATBC-PVC, Twinkle
Purchase: 01 Mar 2017, AmiAmi, 648¥