Premium Bandai celebrates the launch of the Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy for the PlayStation 5 console by releasing three main mobile suits featured in the game. The first lineup includes HGUC 1/144 White Rider, HGUC 1/144 Black Rider, and HGUC 1/144 Efreet Jaeger.
The White Rider emerges with its amazing aesthetics never seen in any mobile suits yet. The White Rider features a significant and unique looking crown type headpiece for its antenna! Its chest and waist armors were also produced in newly molded parts for this Pale Rider variant.
A backpack unit that can hold its Prototype Shekina weapon and wing binder equipment is also newly molded for the kit. A heat rapier is also included in the kit for its close ranged weapon.
ZEUS and normal modes can be reproduced with the provided two color way foil stickers.