Makarov is the aging master of Fairy Tail, who wishes to retire his position, although he believes none of the other members are experienced enough. Hiro Mashima gave him his name because he wanted his name to sound Russian. Makarov has a very laid back approach to leading Fairy Tail, and encourages its members to do what they think is right. He does not necessarily mind that Fairy Tail is renowned for its property damage, only issuing negligible punishments when it happens, but hates having to explain their actions to the Magic Council. Makarov, being a Wizard Saint, is one of the strongest wizards on the continent and can use a number of different magic forms and defeat most opponents with relative ease. His most common choice of magic causes him to turn into a giant, but when properly motivated to fight, he utilizes light magic, such as "Fairy Law", a spell with a large radius that can discern between friend and foe.