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I finally got my Slaughter House Dropcloth the other day, it took a lot longer to arrive than i expected. I ordered the to of them from different websites I didn't think there would be this much of a deference between when they would arrive. :( If...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1379 4 (4) 5
Are you sick of the boring old depictions of jesus? Then ThreeA's next figure may be just what your looking for! Fighting JC (The JC stands for Jesus Cries) is part of the Adventure Kartel series and will come in three different flavors the s...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 1546 7 (7) 6
Another one of those shows where company's show off their upcoming game prize figures happened recently here's some stuff that caught my eye. Cute little evangelion figures! Macross Frontier Black Rock Shooter stuff!
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1353 4 (4) 7
I got more of my august loot today! Dio with WRYYYYYYYYYYY and Nuclear Fusion Rin! I dont have the time to open Rin right now but she look nice and interestingly the rings everyone complains about come unattached in the box. Dont worry I'll ta...
figures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 533 6 (6) 10
This month's first pre-order from ThreeA is Tomorrow King Baka. Baka is a Tomorrow King which are cloned samurai warriors from the Popbot series. He will go on sale on the 10th of September, 9-00 AM Hong Kong time at
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 643 6 (6) 3
I got my package of most of my august preorders tody! Wonderful Sega Saturn shirts! XD Expect pictures and maybe reviews after I open them! EDIT - I decided to just add the pictures to this post.
figures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 7 772 15 (15) 14
Mugi got a boombox today, but something seems odd about it. Mugi "I love this song!" ??? "I do too!" Mugi "Who said that?" ??? "Me you'r boombox!" Mugi "What?" THUCK THUCK THUCK Blast...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 1261 5 (5) 4
I think I will make posts about each upcoming pre order instead of monthly posts from now on as it will make the information less cluttered. Anyways on to the figure. The next ThreeA figure will be the shadowy version of everybody's favorite super...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 531 3 (3) 5
I got my Super Action Statue Joseph Joestar today and He's great and He completes the set of the heroes of part 3. It's nice to have them all together, but i hope wheel eventually see some other villains besides Dio / The World. (I'd kill...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 79 8133 15 (15) 4
I got a bunch of things that transform today! Fist up is S.I.C. Kiwami Tamashii Kamen Rider Faiz and SB-555V Auto Vajin Overall their both neat. Although Auto Vajin's transformation is not as well done as a Transformer, in vehicle mode his...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 1505 5 (5) 7
The first (and hopefully only) Item for this month form ThreeA is the Heavy Bramble from the World War Robot series. He will cost about $280 USD (Includes shipping) and will be available at on the 12th of August...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 631 3 (3) 2
Disappointed or underwhelmed With the Black Rock Shooter OVA? There still is hope. According to Danny Choo, there will be a stop motion short film animated by the people who made A Nightmare Before Christmas! The animation will supposedly be i...
anime news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 865 5 (7) 10
Some more pictures from wonderfest. Only posting stuff torikorino didn't already post. Lots of JoJo's Bizarre adventure Part 4 stuff! Kira Koichi and Echoes Okuyasu The Hand Part 4 Jotaro and Star Platinum Nendoroid stu...
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1849 3 (5) 6
Thanks to Impending_Sky's latest blog post I found out that the Black★Rock shooter universe actually has a lot more characters than just Black★Rock shooter and Dead Master. There is Black★Rock shooter and her human/ untransformed form Mato K...
anime lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 7 3759 14 (14) 14
Today i reorganized my figure boxes in my closet. Thought I'd share a picture of all the boxes laid out across the floor. Quite impressive isn't it? By the way this isn't all of my figure boxes. The smaller boxes (figma, jojo, etc) are on s...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 486 5 (5) 7
I got my eagerly awaited Giant Robo / Killer Queen package in the mail today and i couldn't be happier with them. (Well maybe if they got here sooner.) Have done an excellent job on Giant Robo All of his revoltech joints are very well hidden.
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 27 1949 8 (8) 6
I got a package today! I'm not sure if i should have made this order You will find out why in a little bit. The order included Queen's Blade Rebellion Vante (My second most wanted queen's blade figure after Melona), Emotion Style Ranka Lee and Kiwami...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 11 1666 6 (6) 5
A little while ago I was posing my revoltech Nowa and i discovered that her weapon breaks really easily. It's made out of two parts which are glued together at a really small point. you can see the section in the picture below. After i was don...
figures guide
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 16 1028 7 (9) 5
The first and so far only figure to be sold this month from ThreeA is Ankou from the Adventure Kartel series. Ankou Will be sold on on July 12th, 9-00am Hong Kong time as a single figure with a random color (shou...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 476 4 (4) 3
My azunyan nendoroid (witch was the main prize of the spring lottery) arrived today! This post is mostly me having fun taking lots of pictures of her. She also came with a myanimeshelf badge! "Quickly we must remove her from this p...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 12 1387 14 (14) 13
While randomly browsing the web i stumbled upon this. It's Alice from the Queen's Gate series as a revoltech figure.. A very interesting choice for a character as she hasn't appeared in the anime, but existing none the less. Sadly the picture...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 21 2670 6 (6) 5
Today i received a couple of packages of unexpected Purchases. (I also got a new backdrop today Witch i'm trying out in some of the pictures) First is my order from HLJ's second summer sale. Which includes RAH Josuke Higashikata and final form ride D...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 87 3092 10 (12) 4
Inspired by DEVO's new album I had some fun taking pictures of Miku with my energy domes! By the way listen to this song from the album while looking at the pictures. Enjoy! :)...
figures lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 9 808 4 (6) 6
This blog will be a bit random. first is an update on my computer troubles. I haven't done anything with my mac yet I might take it to an apple store eventually. the same thing that happened last time to my other laptop happen again but seems to b...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 2627 4 (4) 3
I got my Ritsu figma today, and as usual I need to take pictures and review her immediately. :) As a figma Ritsu is very nice looking, all of the joints work well with the sculpt and she's painted nicely. Her headband is a little sloppy looking th...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 19 1911 6 (6) 6
This month will be a relatively quiet month pre-order wise due to the ThreeA Beijing art show that taking place on the 25th! There's going to be a bunch of exclusive figures available there. these two will have a limited online release on June 23...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1330 5 (5) 11
Another figure show happened recently (don't know the name) Here's some stuff that caught my eye. Adorable Harvest plush from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. K-On! I love these maid outfit figures. Macross Frontier Evangelion...
figures events news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 1204 4 (4) 6
I think i'll start doing this every month now. I'll make a list of this month's ThreeA pre-orders with all known information. The main figure this month is the Popbot himself! Popbot is the main robot from the popbot series. Each popbot will i...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 1755 3 (3) 10
You can now download portal for free through steam until may 24th. If you've never heard of portal wikipedia describes it as... "Portal is a single-player first-person action/puzzle video game developed by Valve Corporation. The game consists...
video-games news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 2416 4 (4) 6
I got most of the figures i'm getting this month today. I dont feel like writing reviews for them so just enjoy the pics. figma Lum Revoltech Cattleya Revoltech Nowa The collection so fa...
figures lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 69 6464 11 (11) 7
A little earlier i was a little disappointed that i didnt get anything interesting in the mail today until these guys arrived! I couldn't help myself and ended up ordering 2 more random squares. This doesn't bother me that much due to the s...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 6 1056 4 (4) 6
I got another new figure today a blind boxed ThreeA Square! ThreeA is a toy company run by ashley wood, they almost exclusively make figures based on his art. The square comes from his book World War Robot. A quote taken from the book.
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 20 3019 4 (4) 4
My Super action statue Crazy diamond and Nendoroid pullback car Rin came in the mail today so let's look at them. First up is Nendoroid pull back car Rin. This is a fun concept with a neat feature. The car doesn't start rolling until you place...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 28 3238 8 (8) 16
Today i received my SH Figuarts IXA I had to get him on ebay because i missed out on preordering him and after he came out sold out everywhere. Now that i actually have him i couldn't be happier Kamen rider IXA is the secondary rider of "...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 2695 3 (5) 5
I just updated my profile information and thought i'd share the full size pictures. Medicom Gyro Zeppeli Medicom Thomas Bangalter This picture is a size comparison between figure scales. and the original with moe she's too big an...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 46 4030 11 (11) 5
My swimsuit Sakaki and mini S.I.C. Kamen Rider Blade arrived in the mail today. let's look at them. Blade is a S.I.C. Kiwami Tamashii which are smaller cheaper versions of bandai's ultra premium S.I.C. line. He's nicely detailed without lookin...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 7 1624 3 (3) 5
Ok so technically it's not my camera it's my mom's new camera (a nikon D5000) but i get to use it so yay! I'm still getting the hang of using it here's the best i've taken so far. The first two have my normal lighting. the next two have...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 32 1072 7 (7) 5
Earlier today i was taking pictures for what would have been a blog about my completed gold lightan model until this happened. konata's leg snapped off as i was posing her. ;_; However i did fix it with a revoltech joint it's not perfect but i...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 8 903 5 (5) 5
The final review of the stuff i just got its figma Yui! Yui is the main character of K-on! but you probably already knew that. Yui comes with a good amount of stuff. She includes 5 sets of hands, 2 regular faces, a blank face with matching h...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 22 3929 6 (6) 11
At the recent AOU Arcade Show a bunch figure manufacturers were there showing off upcoming arcade prizes. Interestingly there was a lot of nice figures on display. Here's some that looked interesting. First up is the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure relat...
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 6 4189 3 (5) 3
Pics from max factory's booth at wonderfest. looks like i'll be buying most of their releases this year. :) "love is war" miku black rock shooter stuff Evangelion Figmas kamen rider figmas...
figures events lots of pictures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 1248 3 (3) 4
Today i've reached a milestone on my anime shelf my "shelf" of figmas is now complete! To celebrate lets see all of them! So far i have 40 of them. Not including Canaan who hasn't arrived yet. Out of that 40 i've only had 2 with brok...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 8 1695 9 (9) 9
I received a new figma in the mail today! Let's see which one i got. . . . . . . Wait for it... . . . . Billy Herrington? Looks like he fits right in! You can expect more pic...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 10 2606 4 (6) 4
I’ve been a member here on My Anime Shelf for a few weeks now and I still haven’t introduced myself. I go by MU597 online I am a designer and a musical artist. You can view some of my work at.
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 10 647 4 (4) 12
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