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478 Comedy
307 Fantasy
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142 Shounen
101 Shoujo
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79 Ecchi
67 Seinen
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14 Josei
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11 Yuri
8 Police
8 Samurai
7 Dementia
6 Space
4 Cyberpunk
1 Cars
874 All


Title Score Type Progress

On Hold

Title Score Type Progress


Title Score Type Progress


Title Score Type Progress
1 Aku no Onna Kanbu: Full Moon Night
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2012-11/05/1272071.jpg" /]
6 OVA 1/1
2 Discipline
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/75884e35deb5df8db20d66793e0dc458/Wallpapers_Bible_Black_001.jpg" /]
7 OVA 6/6
3 Etsuraku no Tane
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2015-03/15/91iuopdJWhL._SL1500_1.jpg" /]
5 OVA 1/1
4 G-Taste
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/676eaf301f570009a089c2a7daad6650/x_e56f5d4c.jpg" /]
5 OVA 7/7
5 Genmukan: Aiyoku to Ryoujoku no Intsumi
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2012-03/22/434b25bbc644af8b2e08a1782e754d711.jpg" /]
7 OVA 2/2
6 Kuttsukiboshi
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/ded9ff4e71f566a62f8606d04d406b4f/Kuttsukiboshi.jpg" /]
6 OVA 2/2
7 Lesbian Byoutou
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2011-04/16/631595020960F7.JPG" /]
6 OVA 2/2
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/f3df5a79c3b5924a8fdf2084f94a7bef/w400_60c110c059941f583c6d0a566e168dcb.jpg" /]
6 OVA 2/2
9 Shuukaku no Yoru
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2012-01/24/14.jpg" /]
8 OVA 2/2
10 Viper GTS
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/f13df2e2c7b9d2989d19f10a545db80b/631595041064.jpg" /]
9 OVA 3/3
11 Yarima Queen
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2011-05/28/4360221.jpg" /]
6 OVA 1/1


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