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329 Comedy
312 Adventure
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228 Fantasy
221 Supernatural
200 Drama
181 Romance
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123 Sci-Fi
88 Slice of Life
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65 Seinen
63 Mystery
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9 Dementia
7 Space
7 Yaoi
6 Shoujo Ai
4 Josei
1 Cars
708 All


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Title Score Type Progress
1 Ansatsu Kyoushitsu OVA
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2013-10/28/H6eRm3M4hbc1.jpg" /]
7 OVA 1/1
2 Bleach - The DiamondDust Rebellion
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/5d57e84fb3487ddc8290e91a83dc08b7/bleachdiamonddustrebellit5.jpg" /]
9 Movie 1/1
3 Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2011-07/03/505081.jpg" /]
9 TV 24/24
4 Gintama
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2013-08/20/4260751.jpg" /]
10 TV 201/201
5 Gintama' (2011)
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2011-08/11/aabx11491.jpg" /]
10 TV 51/51
6 Gintama' (2015)
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2014-12/21/RRW-eqk_2L41.jpg" /]
10 TV 51/51
7 Nabari no Ou
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/7d794f4ff63e0a4406b318c175fb622c/nabari-no-ou.jpg" /]
8 TV 26/26
8 Ninja Scroll
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2013-12/24/ninja_scroll1.jpg" /]
7 Movie 1/1
9 Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Meiou Shinwa -2
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2010-12/12/604971.jpg" /]
10 OVA 13/13
10 Samurai Champloo
[IMG class="mw100" src="/eva2/upload/aa18135fb3e901f7be8fd50d4fa77532/28217917_Samurai_Champloo.jpg" /]
8 TV 26/26
11 Sengoku Basara Movie: The Last Party
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2015-05/24/201101042315386441.jpg" /]
10 Movie 1/1
12 Sengoku BASARA Ni
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2012-10/21/basara2_visual_копия1.png" /]
10 TV 12/12
13 Sengoku BASARA Special
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2011-06/23/1288298137_sengoku_basara_episode_131.jpg" /]
9 Special 1/1
14 Sword of the Stranger
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2013-04/17/sword_of_the_stranger_poster1.jpg" /]
8 Movie 1/1
15 Tekken: Blood Vengeance
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2011-12/08/745981.jpg" /]
5 Movie 1/1
16 Witchblade
[IMG class="mw100" src="/upload/dynamic/2015-03/28/witchblade_21.jpg" /]
7 TV 24/24


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