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1 October

bee commented Character's Selection Aoba & Koujaku или немного перчика! +18:
Божечки , я еду в транспорте на работу и на меня люди косятся, потому что я ржу как кобылица, с этог... 01 Oct, 04:48:35

30 September

29 September

bee started to wish a figure: Ye Xiu style Q Ver.. 29 Sep, 13:53:01
bee tagged a figure Yin Shi Ye Xiu Chibi Figure on a photo:
29 Sep, 11:53:35
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Yin Shi Ye Xiu Chibi Figure. 29 Sep, 11:50:15
bee tagged a figure Shibuya Scramble Figure Makima on a photo:
29 Sep, 10:05:37
bee commented Oikawa Tooru:
Моя ж ты прелесть. Только Иву чан где забыли то i... 29 Sep, 09:22:01

28 September

bee commented Akira:
Внезапно! 28 Sep, 17:46:02
bee started to wish a figure: Oikawa Tooru. 28 Sep, 17:44:52
bee tagged figures Noodle Stopper Figure Killua, Noodle Stopper Figure Gon on a photo:
28 Sep, 11:57:46
bee tagged figures Noodle Stopper Figure Killua, Noodle Stopper Figure Gon on a photo:
28 Sep, 11:57:46

27 September

bee started to wish a figure: Katsuragi Misato : RE. 27 Sep, 13:03:32
bee managed to find the figure they always wanted: Gals Series Katsuragi Misato & Pen Pen Ver.2. Congratulations! 27 Sep, 13:02:35
bee started to wish a figure: Gals Series Katsuragi Misato & Pen Pen Ver.2. 27 Sep, 13:02:26
bee started to wish a figure: Misato Blues. 27 Sep, 13:02:17

22 September

bee received an reward
Photo Shooter
22 Sep, 23:01:03

20 September

bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Shikinami Asuka Langley Parka Ver.. 20 Sep, 10:58:51

19 September

bee commented Shikinami Asuka Langley Parka Ver.:
Блин, лицо шикарное!!! Но эти ноги в раскорячку (((( 19 Sep, 17:21:48

18 September

bee tagged a figure Nagisa Kaworu Ver.RADIO EVA Part.2 on a photo:
18 Sep, 09:20:41

17 September

bee tagged a figure Desktop Cute Nanachi & Mitty on a photo:
17 Sep, 13:55:02

13 September

bee commented Shikinami Asuka Langley Ver. RADIO EVA Part.3:
ну естественно ты мне нужна! 13 Sep, 12:31:36
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Shikinami Asuka Langley Ver. RADIO EVA Part.3. 13 Sep, 12:30:57

6 September

bee tagged figures Noodle Stopper Figure Hisoka Morow, Noodle Stopper Figure Illumi Zoldyck on a photo:
06 Sep, 18:13:38

4 September

bee started to wish a figure: Shikinami Asuka Langley Last Mission. 04 Sep, 12:03:22
bee started to wish a figure: Asuka Langley ~Last Scene~. 04 Sep, 12:03:02
bee started to wish a figure: Ayanami Rei Long Hair Ver.. 04 Sep, 12:00:59
bee started to wish a figure: S-Fire Ayanami Rei Long Hair Ver.. 04 Sep, 11:59:19
bee started to wish a figure: Precious G.E.M. Series Hatake Kakashi Susanoo ver.. 04 Sep, 11:57:33
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: FigUnity Team 7 Gathering!. 04 Sep, 11:57:22
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: G.E.M. Series Tenohira Kakashi-sensei. 04 Sep, 11:56:00

23 August

bee stopped to wish a figure: POP UP PARADE Kougami Shinya L Size. 23 Aug, 17:03:27

22 August

bee commented Comic Market и артбук по FGO:
ох ты какой интересный пост я чуть не пропустила. Мне кажется именно на Комитеке должны собираться с... 22 Aug, 10:33:07
bee commented The Great Exchange - диорама :
 Это же какой то ремейк Кин-дза-дза!! просто ШЕДЕВР!! каждая следующая диорама получается лучше пред... 22 Aug, 10:02:23

14 August

bee started to wish a figure: POP UP PARADE Kougami Shinya L Size. 14 Aug, 10:07:10
bee started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Edward Elric Final Episode Ver.. 14 Aug, 10:04:25
bee started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Alphonse Elric Final Episode Ver.. 14 Aug, 10:04:20
bee started to wish a figure: Gojou Satoru Tokyo Jujutsu High School Ver.. 14 Aug, 10:04:15

2 August

bee commented ALTAiR Pretender/Oberon Vortigern:
Ох ну какая же примерзкая красотаааа. Ненавижу мотыльков, но глаз не оторвать от фигурки. Невероятна... 02 Aug, 12:39:27

1 August

bee commented Character's Selection Aoba Wasou Ver.:
и все же, какой то он тут слишком благостный. Что за лицо для такого наряда и позы 01 Aug, 13:29:07
bee commented znnavigator's photo:
ОГО какое все розовое и Микушноеi... 01 Aug, 13:25:40
bee commented Akira:
Во имя настольгии Hikari_Stav   i ВФ прошел и тишина пока... 01 Aug, 13:24:36
bee started to wish a figure: Akira. 01 Aug, 13:22:49
bee commented Towa Blood Transfusion Ver.:
я вообще на него без содрогания смотреть не могу...брррi как то это уж слишком жестоко... 01 Aug, 13:18:06
bee commented Wonder festival 2024 Summer:
СпасибО!i Уж не знаю как там было по качти атмосферы, но по представленным фигуркам и анонсам прошло... 01 Aug, 13:14:15

30 July

bee removed a figure from their shelf: Nendoroid Playset #02: Japanese Life Set B (Guestroom Set). 30 Jul, 10:39:15
bee removed a figure from their shelf: Nendoroid Playset #02: Japanese Life Set A (Dining Set). 30 Jul, 10:39:13
bee removed a figure from their shelf: Nendoroid Playset #04: Western Set B. 30 Jul, 10:39:11
bee removed a figure from their shelf: Nendoroid Playset #04: Western Set A. 30 Jul, 10:39:08
bee started to wish a figure: F:NEX Ram -Oiran Douchuu-. 30 Jul, 05:52:27
bee started to wish a figure: F:NEX Rem Hanfu. 30 Jul, 05:51:57
bee started to wish a figure: F:NEX Ram -Hanfu-. 30 Jul, 05:50:11
bee started to wish a figure: F:NEX Ram & Rem. 30 Jul, 05:49:37
bee started to wish a figure: F:NEX Ram Gothic Ver.. 30 Jul, 05:48:49
bee started to wish a figure: KDcolle Ram Birthday 2021 Ver.. 30 Jul, 05:45:51
bee started to wish a figure: KDcolle Rem Birthday 2021 Ver.. 30 Jul, 05:45:49
bee stopped to wish a figure: Himura Kenshin. 30 Jul, 05:33:17
bee completed watching anime: Daomu Biji: Qinling Shen Shu. 30 Jul, 05:32:15
bee managed to find the figure they always wanted: G.E.M. Series C.C. Pilot Suit Ver.. Congratulations! 30 Jul, 05:29:13

29 July

bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Shibuya Scramble Figure Makima. 29 Jul, 14:13:28
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Ayanami Rei (Tentative Name) Millennials Illust Ver.. 29 Jul, 14:12:37
bee commented Wonder festival 2024 Summer:
Да уж...по части анонсов все мимо. Интересно было бы почитать мнение в сравнении  посещения прошлого... 29 Jul, 06:54:33

28 July

bee commented Nendoroid Sakata Gintoki:
так ну чо, гудки получили лицензию на Гинтаму . Понеслась душа в рай, надо освобождать полку …. 28 Jul, 16:52:15
bee commented PRISMA WING Noé Archiviste:
Ура, я переживала что на Ноя забьют. Ждемс 28 Jul, 16:46:51
bee commented Towa Blood Transfusion Ver.:
Ну Фиг знает, по мне так это гораздо большая жесть, чем  фигурка перекаченнного аниме персонажа со с... 28 Jul, 16:44:28
bee commented ARTFX J Kusuriuri Mononoke Movie Ver.:
шикарно, ждем покраску i 28 Jul, 16:39:50
bee commented Ciel Phantomhive:
Ого, еще один сиэлька  28 Jul, 16:37:06

25 July

bee started to wish a figure: Shinichi Okazaki Bass Ver. . 25 Jul, 05:48:02

9 July

bee started to wish a figure: Noodle Stopper Figure Feitan. 09 Jul, 14:07:54
bee started to wish a figure: Vibration Stars Kurapika Ⅱ. 09 Jul, 14:06:44
bee started to wish a figure: Vibration Stars Killua Ⅱ. 09 Jul, 14:06:40
bee started to wish a figure: Umino Iruka Ichiraku. 09 Jul, 14:06:36
bee started to wish a figure: Gift+ Thorns Floating Gear Ver.. 09 Jul, 13:57:41
bee started to wish a figure: Getou Suguru Tokyo Jujutsu High School Ver.. 09 Jul, 13:56:47
bee started to wish a figure: Spike Spiegel 2nd GIG ~Daybreak~. 09 Jul, 13:56:15

27 June

bee commented Gojou Satoru Tokyo Jujutsu High School Ver.:
вот согласна... что за улыбочкаi она все ОЧЕНЬ портит... 27 Jun, 10:50:43
bee started to wish a figure: G.E.M. Series Lelouch Lamperouge G.E.M.15th Anniversary Ver.. 27 Jun, 08:33:02

22 June

bee commented xsize's photo:
С продажами, если нет острой нужды, конечно, не стоит рубить с плеча и сгоряча кого то продавать. Вд... 22 Jun, 08:10:23

20 June

bee commented xsize's photo:
Я всегда считала это какой то формой мазохизма. Продать фигурку, а потом неистово пытаться купить ее... 20 Jun, 06:55:59

18 June

bee removed a figure from their shelf: Real Figure Ichiro Miyata. 18 Jun, 10:14:16
bee removed a figure from their shelf: Real Figure Ippo Makunouchi Fighting Ver.. 18 Jun, 10:14:14
bee managed to find the figure they always wanted: PRISMA WING Vanitas. Congratulations! 18 Jun, 10:09:26
bee commented Maomao:
Вроде простенькая фигурка, но очень нравится. Надо брать Маомао 18 Jun, 10:00:43
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Maomao. 18 Jun, 10:00:04

7 June

bee started to wish a figure: ARTFX J Hiei Ver. 2. 07 Jun, 13:01:09
bee commented G.E.M. Series Lelouch Lamperouge G.E.M.15th Anniversary Ver.:
Мне все нравится в этой фигурке. Поза и лицо хорошие.  Но к ценам этим я все никак не привыкну. Ника... 07 Jun, 12:14:52
bee managed to find the figure they always wanted: G.E.M. Series Tenohira Oikawa Tooru. Congratulations! 07 Jun, 12:07:42
bee commented G.E.M. Series Tenohira Oikawa Tooru:
Тыж моя прелесть!! Полюбому я тебя добуду 07 Jun, 12:06:48
bee started to wish a figure: G.E.M. Series Tenohira Oikawa Tooru. 07 Jun, 12:01:39

21 May

bee started to wish a figure: PRISMA WING Vanitas. 21 May, 11:27:39

17 May

bee commented Ну что, 4500 дней, и все о полках? Room tour 3.0:
У меня всегда есть желание, только моргни :))) 17 May, 17:54:33

27 April

bee started to wish a figure: ARTFX J Okkotsu Yuuta Gekijouban Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Ver.. 27 Apr, 16:00:39
bee started to wish a figure: ARTFX J Getou Suguru Jujutsu Kaisen 0 ver.. 27 Apr, 16:00:13
bee started to wish a figure: Shibuya Scramble Figure Getou Suguru. 27 Apr, 15:57:07
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Nendoroid Oz Vessalius. 27 Apr, 05:35:30
bee started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Tomoe. 27 Apr, 05:35:19
bee grabbed a figure to their shelf: Nendoroid Xerxes Break. 27 Apr, 05:35:06
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