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5 February

Starki started to wish a figure: figma Alice. 05 Feb, 23:35:23

3 February

Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Arturia Pendragon Knight's PE Uniform Ver. [AQ]. 03 Feb, 07:01:40
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Berserker/Artoria Caster. 03 Feb, 06:58:00
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: KDcolle Saber Alter Babydoll Dress Ver.. 03 Feb, 06:54:59

31 January

Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Pocket Art Series PA010 Musketeer Feichi. 31 Jan, 01:21:18

28 January

Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Sakura Miku Bloomed in Japan. 28 Jan, 10:54:08
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Belle. 28 Jan, 10:54:05
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Wise. 28 Jan, 10:54:01

27 January

Starki commented с китайским новым годом! ;3:
Какая Кэ Цин лапочка! 27 Jan, 21:33:20

24 January

Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Connor. 24 Jan, 12:35:12
Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Nendoroid Robin. 24 Jan, 12:35:07
Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Nendoroid Sunday. 24 Jan, 12:35:00
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Ranma (Female). 24 Jan, 12:34:53
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Saotome Ranma. 24 Jan, 12:34:51
Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Desktop Cute Sakura Miku Cherry Cushion Ver.. 24 Jan, 12:31:29
Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Honkai Star Rail Star Dome Railway Chibi Figure: Blade. 24 Jan, 12:30:46
Fullbuster managed to find the figure they always wanted: Nendoroid Oz Vessalius. Congratulations! 24 Jan, 12:25:23

22 January

Starki started to wish a figure: Makinami Mari Illustrious RADIO EVA Part.3 Original Color Ver.. 22 Jan, 14:18:46
Starki started to wish a figure: The Blind Box Disney Toy Story Collection: Woody. 22 Jan, 14:18:38
Starki started to wish a figure: The Blind Box Disney Toy Story Collection: Buzz Lightyear. 22 Jan, 14:18:36
Starki started to wish a figure: The Blind Box Disney Toy Story Collection: Squeeze Toy Aliens. 22 Jan, 14:18:35
Starki started to wish a figure: The Blind Box Disney Toy Story Collection: Hamm. 22 Jan, 14:18:34

19 January

Starki commented Sky Doll Noa & Scrope:
Ого, реально 150к йен стоила? Не опечатка в цене?( 19 Jan, 14:40:54
Starki started to wish a figure: Sky Doll Noa & Scrope. 19 Jan, 14:40:13
Starki started to wish a figure: Noa. 19 Jan, 14:39:44

15 January

Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Ex☆Cute Star Sprinkles / Moon Cat Chiika Normal sales Ver.. 15 Jan, 10:15:12

12 January

Fullbuster commented Death the Kid - фигурка своими руками:
Невероятный Кидi Не представляю, сколько труда вложено в эту красоту, божечкиi... 12 Jan, 17:26:33

10 January

Starki commented frostyrecon's photo:
Спасибо за твои прекрасные фото) 10 Jan, 21:57:02

7 January

Starki commented Bonbon Pocket Fashionable Cute Girls Series: Aqua Angel:
блин, так и не смогла ни к кому на разбив попасть( 07 Jan, 22:18:31
Starki grabbed a figure to their shelf: Inedible Doll Bunnies: Dreams about Her. 07 Jan, 22:16:45
Starki grabbed a figure to their shelf: Inedible Doll Bunnies: Rainy Dream. 07 Jan, 22:16:41
Starki grabbed a figure to their shelf: Electronic Cute Pet Game World: Dori Secret Edition. 07 Jan, 22:16:37
Starki grabbed a figure to their shelf: Electronic Cute Pet Game World: Kimmy. 07 Jan, 22:16:33
Starki grabbed a figure to their shelf: Electronic Cute Pet Game World: Snalili. 07 Jan, 22:16:30
Starki grabbed a figure to their shelf: Ten Thousand Escape Plans BJD Series: Xie Xing (Leopard). 07 Jan, 22:16:02
Starki grabbed a figure to their shelf: Ten Thousand Escape Plans BJD Series: Mi Ye (Wolf). 07 Jan, 22:15:59

4 January

Starki started to wish a figure: Mini Display Figure: Saber. 04 Jan, 11:03:19
Starki started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Doll Saber/Altria Pendragon. 04 Jan, 11:01:32
Starki commented с новым!:
Красотища какая! С Новым годом! 04 Jan, 11:00:10

28 December

Starki started to wish a figure: figma Love Machine. 28 Dec, 20:40:31

19 December

Starki started to wish a figure: Saber Lily. 19 Dec, 21:09:54
Starki started to wish a figure: Saber Extra. 19 Dec, 21:09:53
Starki commented Signum Swimsuit Ver.:
Чет грустно что гифт перестали фигурки выпускать( 19 Dec, 21:09:35
Starki commented Ранний котий адвент и поздняя зима :3:
Какой котоАдвент! Чудесный подарок и с каким старанием даритель все подобрал *___* С наступающим!!! 19 Dec, 21:04:42

11 December

Starki started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Suzu. 11 Dec, 15:10:27

3 December

Starki commented Мой первый Адвент (2024)!!♡:
С первым адвентом! Отличный старт в этом году, пускай все посты будут теплыми, милыми и уютными ^^ П... 03 Dec, 14:50:23
Starki commented Адвентище 2024 или котиков много не бывает:)):
Вот так котадвент! С наступающим праздником, чудесный теплый пост) Надеюсь все адвенты в этом году б... 03 Dec, 14:48:36

30 November

Starki started to wish a figure: Minahoshi. 30 Nov, 19:51:44

26 November

Starki commented Иногда ожидание это золото :З :
Какие эпичные фотки! Фигурка мечта, грац с ней <333 26 Nov, 19:58:43
Starki started to wish a figure: Mamehinata Doll. 26 Nov, 19:57:49
Starki started to wish a figure: Present Woven in Past The Planthopper Maiden. 26 Nov, 19:57:23

20 November

Starki started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Astro. 20 Nov, 21:21:54
Starki started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Kageyama Ritsu. 20 Nov, 21:21:21
Starki started to wish a figure: Nendoroid MYAKU-MYAKU. 20 Nov, 21:21:00

14 November

Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Iwakura Lain. 14 Nov, 06:50:40
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade. 14 Nov, 06:50:06
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Oz Vessalius. 14 Nov, 06:49:19
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Xerxes Break. 14 Nov, 06:49:00

12 November

Fullbuster removed a figure from their shelf: figma Kirito ALO ver.. 12 Nov, 07:00:03

9 November

Starki commented Смена дизайна коробочек нендов от GSC :
Леееее, я уже столько смен коробок пережила у нендов) Первые были самые ламповые и милые. Больше все...
09 Nov, 21:47:26

2 November

Starki managed to find the figure they always wanted: Saber Traveling in London Ver.. Congratulations! 02 Nov, 05:09:46

30 October

lunache stopped to wish a figure: Nendoroid Takane Lui. 30 Oct, 08:36:18

29 October

Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Gift+ Elysia Summer Miss Elf♪ Ver.. 29 Oct, 06:58:07
Fullbuster managed to find the figure they always wanted: Nendoroid Blade. Congratulations! 29 Oct, 06:06:28
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Blade. 29 Oct, 06:06:19
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Gift+ Kafka Star Rail Live Ver.. 29 Oct, 06:04:46
Fullbuster managed to find the figure they always wanted: Coreful Figure Arima Kana ~Seifuku Ver.~. Congratulations! 29 Oct, 06:01:05

24 October

lunache started to wish a figure: Holiday Memories Hatsune Miku Camera. 24 Oct, 12:48:15

20 October

Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Arima Kana. 20 Oct, 07:20:33
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Coreful Figure Arima Kana ~Seifuku Ver.~. 20 Oct, 07:20:26
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Coreful Figure Arima Kana B-Komachi Ver.. 20 Oct, 07:20:16
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Arima Kana B-Komachi Ver.. 20 Oct, 07:20:06
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Aqua Float Girls Arima Kana. 20 Oct, 07:18:37
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Arima Kana Bazurase Fashion Ver.. 20 Oct, 07:17:47
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Arima Kana Cat Maid Ver.. 20 Oct, 07:17:30
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Arima Kana Date Style Ver.. 20 Oct, 07:17:25
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Arima Kana. 20 Oct, 07:17:09

6 October

Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Nendoroid Oslo. 06 Oct, 17:00:14
Ikukihiko commented Проблемы с Global Freaks! :
Не очень в тему, но выглядит как Нясан 2.0... 06 Oct, 09:00:33
Ikukihiko commented Адвент 2024: Выборы в Хогвартсе!:
ну я просто "смотрю внимательно"((( 06 Oct, 08:58:58

28 September

Ikukihiko commented Адвент 2024: Выборы в Хогвартсе!:
Да я несколько раз в августе заходила - не видела постов вообще(((( А потом резко оказалось, что всё... 28 Sep, 17:25:59

24 September

Ikukihiko commented Адвент 2024: Выборы в Хогвартсе!:
БЛИН, я опять всё пропустила.... 24 Sep, 18:28:13
lunache started to wish a figure: Nendoroid Tooru. 24 Sep, 10:58:55

16 September

Fullbuster grabbed a figure to their shelf: Noodle Stopper Figure Sakura Miku 2025. 16 Sep, 07:47:59
Fullbuster managed to find the figure they always wanted: Nendoroid Pretender/Oberon Vortigern. Congratulations! 16 Sep, 07:47:38

7 September

Starki commented hakudi's photo:
Ого кто вернулся! С возвращением) 07 Sep, 14:01:18

5 September

Starki started to wish a figure: Gift+ Thorns Floating Gear Ver.. 05 Sep, 18:15:22

31 August

Ikukihiko started to wish a figure: Nagisa Kaworu Ver. Radio Eva Part 4 . 31 Aug, 11:44:57
Ikukihiko started to wish a figure: Ikari Shinji Ver. Radio Eva Part 4 . 31 Aug, 11:44:36

29 August

Fullbuster managed to find the figure they always wanted: Dollfie Dream Saber Alter. Congratulations! 29 Aug, 16:38:58
Fullbuster removed a figure from their shelf: Dollfie Dream Saber Alter 2nd Ver.. 29 Aug, 16:38:53

24 August

Fullbuster managed to find the figure they always wanted: Nendoroid Pretender/Oberon. Congratulations! 24 Aug, 11:31:03

23 August

Fullbuster started to wish a figure: figma Boogiepop. 23 Aug, 10:35:54
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: figma Ninomae Ina'nis. 23 Aug, 10:35:51
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: figma Torrent, the Spectral Steed. 23 Aug, 10:35:44
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: figma Snow Miku Winter Delicacy Ver.. 23 Aug, 10:35:40
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: figma Holo. 23 Aug, 10:35:38
Fullbuster started to wish a figure: figma A2. 23 Aug, 10:35:35
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