Drafts and stuff
Drafts and stuff
26 Dec 2016
26 Dec 2016
Hi everyone!
We've news, this time good ones!
The create/edit blog post form has been reworked at last.
- Saving without page reload, saving with Ctrl+S
- Errors explained simply
- Saving drafts (explanation follows)
- A post is a draft until you check the Publish checkbox.
- Draft post may does not require you to fill all the fields but you must specify the post avatar, title and text to publish it.
- Drafts are only visible to the creator.
- When you publish a draft (check the "Publish" checkbox and save) it becomes published on current date and appears first in the feed.
- Subsequent modifications don't change the publish date but you can move the post to drafts and back anytime.
In spite of this...
Please move all obsolete sale posts (that you were bothered to delete) to drafts before moderators bombard you with warnings! I'm serious, I can't hold them off for long!!
Starting today and until January 8th (including) coin price are discounted for 30%:
- 50 coins for $9.8
- 130 coins for $4.9
- 320 coins for $2.8
Thank you for your attention!
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