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Hello all!!! So, after what seems like an eternity of waiting and having this item on pre-order, I finally received my ThreeZero 1/6 scale action figure of Big Daddy and Little Sister from the Bioshock video game!! Yay!! I first ordered this...
figures lots of pictures loot video-games outdoor photos
Stacycmc USA
Edit tags edit entry 144 3497 51 (51) 4
Hello MAS!!! It's me again! Today I thought I'd share a re-paint I did of the Overwatch Collector's edition statue of Soldier 76. I actually completed this a few weeks ago, but being out for vacation and work kicking my butt has just delayed my...
figures lots of pictures video-games creative art outdoor photos
Stacycmc USA
Edit tags edit entry 149 3591 50 (50) 8
**WARNING** **This post is both VERBOSE and Pic heavy!! You have been warned!!** Hello MAS!!! It feels like it's been forever since I've REALLY been on, but not from loss of interest or anything like that. It's just been super busy!!! ...par...
figures new releases events lots of pictures outdoor photos
Stacycmc USA
Edit tags edit entry 166 5784 68 (68) 14
Hello MAS!!! Welcome to my "so far in 2018" loot post! LOL. Since my monthly loot posts would be pretty boring I decided to do a mid-year (or almost mid-year) loot post with all my items from Jan'18 through early May'18. ***WARN...
figures lots of pictures loot garage kit collection outdoor photos
Stacycmc USA
Edit tags edit entry 311 5375 90 (90) 18
BE WARNED: SPOILERS I visited Tokyo last month and decided to take some shots of places from Steins;Gate visual novel. I guess it's a good timing since Steins;Gate 0 is released on Steam in couple days. Here's all accessible outdoor locations...
video-games guide outdoor photos spoilers
norfolk_s3d Russia
Edit tags edit entry 215 10380 81 (81) 16
Этот пост посвящен тем, кто в будущем хочет поехать в Японию, я хочу рассказать о моем самом любимом месте - находится в Осаке, парк развлечений Universal Studio Japan! Я постараюсь описать свои чувства и впечатления и вызвать в вас желание тоже поб...
review lots of pictures japanese culture outdoor photos spoilers
mieri Japan
Edit tags edit entry 251 7384 58 (72) 20
Всем привет. Я снова пришла с порцией фоток) Теперь на весеннюю тематику. Предисловие от зимнего поста. Зиму я так и не почувствовала по настоящему. Привыкла к -20 в феврале,а тут максимум -3 днем. Вот уже апрель, +15-18 градусов, на этой неделе +20...
lots of pictures japanese culture outdoor photos
mieri Japan
Edit tags edit entry 228 2484 80 (86) 12
Один из основных для меня плюсов - отсутствие подставки, оказался минусом при съёмке в диких условиях, обычные подставки я обклеиваю бумагой или бумажным скотчем и спокойно ставлю на камни, в реки и в грязь, а тут приходилось убирать все острые к...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 297 6992 115 (117) 58
I seriously was trying to make a review but somehow it ended up as another picspam post. I recently got Ayanami Rei Loppi Ver. by Koto (thanks to Deamon666 for order and to amiami's preowned section, it's not the first time I'm getting something...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 43 2200 36 (36) 31
Hello everyone, it seems I haven't spammed you with pictures for a while. I have quite a lot of them (well, not anymore, I've just accidentally deleted 3 or 4 shoots, clever girl), but anyway, let there be a picspam. I really wanted to take pictures...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 70 2983 39 (39) 40
Hello! So I was waiting for the summer to take pictures of Menma and try to sell her if someone would buy a figure without the base. (My penguins live there and I'm not going to take it away from them). And then I thought that I made winter clothes...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 119 6077 60 (62) 120
I got a message on tsukiboard 2 or 3 months ago, somebody was asking if they could use my picture for some photobook. I gave them permission and forgot about it until they asked my address. Soon the ems-guy came and gave me the book. The pictures...
figures lots of pictures printed matters outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 50 3561 45 (45) 54
А потом зажглись прекрасные фонарики. Как всегда спасибо за внимание :3 Ello guys. Today (well more like yesterday) was the first time this autumn-winter I took a definite piece of PVC to a definite place to take some definite pic...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 52 1684 20 (20) 31
Всем привет Сегодня вновь понадоедаю вам с фото xD День у нас в городе выдался неплохой, достаточно теплый, да и задумки кое-какие были, поэтому я захватила фотик, парочку пвх-девчат и двинулась в путь. Однако погода оказалась обманчива (да и я, в...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 104 5912 33 (33) 75
The first 'real' snow came in late November (and then not again until before New Year's), and Miku-chan INSISTED that I took her out and snapped a few photos of her. (She's so sassy...) I wasn't out for very long as I was too lazy to out on warm...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 17 1804 18 (20) 19
Всем привет Сегодня я бы хотела поделиться двумя немного противоположными вещами - парочкой пляжных фото и сборкой елки xD Начну, пожалуй, с летнего. Не так давно была в отпуске и, уже можно сказать по традиции, захватила с собой фигурки. Только...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 54 3192 24 (24) 47
I took these pictures when I went to Denmark in July, but I totally forgot that I even had them, so I just edited them now. They're not as good as my recent ones, but I still think they're worth posting.
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 21 2097 22 (22) 22
Time for a new photoshoot with Miku!! ^__^ The weather was nice and not too cold, so I decided to take a chance. What I didn't notice earlier though was that the wind was pretty strong at times, so balancing her on the big leaves was pretty mu...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 11 1942 30 (30) 18
Hello again! I have some huge amount of unsorted pictures and I'm trying to clean it up somehow. Today I found some pictures of Sora (who is one of my favorite figures) I did back in august, They're nothing special, I just took the figure to my grand...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 54 3098 20 (20) 34
I took Miku-Chan with me to the summer house again. This time the weather was much better. Although it was pretty windy (making it hard for me to switch parts), it was much sunnier :D Blueberries everywhere! ^__^ Lot's of 'Append'...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 8 2410 19 (21) 26
So I went to my family's summer house a few weeks ago. I took my dear Miku-Chan and chopper with me and captured a few pictures, but was too lazy to edit them. Japanese figures in Icelandic nature I found a little horse statu...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 11 1920 16 (16) 18
Warning! The post is image heavy yet pretty senseless, read at your oun risque :3 Внимание! Пост перегружен фотками и практически лишен смысла, читать на свой страх и риск :3 All I've been doing lately is riding a bike with a camera and some fi...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 58 2487 20 (20) 20
I may have a weird sence of cuteness, but I find mass-evas insanely adorable. Huge thanks to usagi_joou for selling me her figure *-* I just need 8 more now. It's just too great and stylish (my mom and sister call it "a cool dragon"), so t...
figures lots of pictures outdoor photos
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 11 2908 20 (20) 40
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