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Доброго времени суток! Места на полке не хватает, поэтому решила расстаться с частью коллекции. Могу сделать доп фото и видео. За доп информацией пишите в ЛС или ВК Оригинал артбука по игре the liar princess and the...
sale lots of pictures anime stuff printed matters collection
Suzuna Russia
Edit tags edit entry 152 2259 3 (3) 0
Доброго времени суток! Решила расстаться с частью коллекции. Могу сделать доп фото и видео. За доп информацией пишите в ЛС или ВК Оплата на карту Сбербанка. Отправка почтой России осуществляется за Ваш с...
figures new releases anime stuff
Suzuna Russia
Edit tags edit entry 406 3038 9 (9) 4
Seriously, why not? She's one of the main 4 girls in the series. Koneko has a few figures, Akeno has a lot of figures, and Rias has a fuckton of figures. Even Xenovia has 2 (though neither of them are castoffable, but still). Why is Asia left out of...
figures adult only otaku life anime stuff collection
Edit tags edit entry 253 4047 4 (30) 3
Hi again!! its been a Long time since i made a new entry. Guess what?! Let me show you the second part of the stuff i got from sailor moon 20th anniversary merchandise!! So lets start with the cookware: Sailor Moon Chopsticks (Sticker from...
offtopic lots of pictures anime stuff collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 169 2244 58 (66) 1
Hi again! long time no see you this time i want to show all the stuff that i bought from sailor moon. im a huge fan, and when i was a child, my mother didnt want to buy all the stuff from sailor moon that i wanted. so this is my chance to buy everyt...
otaku life anime stuff collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 267 3553 105 (105) 21
Merry Christmas everyone! ...and a happy new year too! The most suitable Christmas picture I could find. Sorry I havent been posting much (besides pictures) lately. I've just been finding it difficult to write blog posts recently, I am working...
figures lots of pictures loot anime stuff printed matters
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 35 2535 16 (16) 5
anime offtopic lots of pictures anime stuff
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 13 2913 19 (23) 36
Today I received a mysterious envelope from Japan! But When I saw the name I knew exactly who it was from. It turns out it was a Birthday card and gift from the MyAnimeShelf team! Along with the card it also contained a Steins Gate clear folder...
otaku life anime stuff
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 20 1579 20 (20) 4
Looking at some recent preorders I noticed this interesting item. When I first saw the pictures I thought it was some sort of strange moe crucifix, but it is actually a dakimakura with "arms" so it can hug you back. A very creative conce...
anime stuff
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 2204 12 (12) 16
I received a big birthday package few days ago and I finally decided to make a post :D I remember spotting Akashi-san soon after I've made an account here and I thought I'd get her no matter what at the moment I've seen her. After putting a preo...
figures review loot anime stuff
TomatheSpook Russia
Edit tags edit entry 65 2064 20 (20) 22
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