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I'm a bit slow with posting this but 3A recently revealed pictures of a near final version of their Metal Gear Rex figure. And a while ago it was announced that 3A had gotten the license to make figures based on the movie Real Steel, rec...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 3375 8 (8) 2
Привет, полка! Помнишь прошлогоднюю зимнюю лотерею-обмен подарками? А что, если теперь начать не с НГ, а до? Адвент – время ожидания, предшествующее празднику Рождества Христова, во время которого верующие соблюдают пост и готовятся к празднику. М...
Lulapa Russia
Edit tags edit entry 37 3691 29 (29) 41
Ну вот, наконец-то пишу пост, который следовало написать ещё несколько дней назад. Естественно, он про хвостатую и ушастую няшу в зелёном платье, которую я недавно забрала с почты. Итак, волчица Холо Мудрая к нашим услугам! *____* Finally I'm writ...
Amarty Russia
Edit tags edit entry 73 2229 30 (30) 47
Hello! to all the good folks that are reading this, I wanted to ask if anyone has bought something from this site before. If so, was your experience buying from them good? bad? or somewhere in the middle? Also I r...
Viridia USA
Edit tags edit entry 6 1195 10 (10) 4
Recently Sega has teased A new Daytona USA game. I don't really remember the game much, I must have played it in arcades back in the day. However that video made me realize how glorious the music is! I love it so much I had to share, If you enjoy dan...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 823 7 (7) 0
Залила вторую часть фотографий из Акихабары - на этот раз с телефона. Качество соответствующее, зато взгляд изнутри! Нужно, правда, отметить, что, снимая все это дело, я чувствовала себя жутко неловко, поэтому фотографии делались по принципу "сн...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 12 1693 28 (30) 32
Загрузила первую партию фотографий из Акихабары. Они идут под кодовым названием "Nikon", и означает это то, что они были сделаны на мою ненаглядную зеркалку и преимущественно с улицы. Увы, на всех магазинах Акибы висит табличка "не сни...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 33 2724 43 (43) 62
Хочу на Питерскую встречу. Glory Привет, Полка. Хисасибури да на. Тащемта, сегодня, второго октября две тысячи одиннадцатого года от (спорный момент!) Рождества Христова, состоялось четвертое оффициальное™ собрание высококультурных питерских...
meetings otaku life
norfolk_s3d Russia
Edit tags edit entry 15 1150 27 (27) 22
over the past week or so I received a bunch of new figures, I thought I'd just clump them together in a single blog. The first of the new figures is Annelotte 2p version. It's quite amazing how different she looks with a new face and color schem...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 8 1479 14 (14) 6
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 12 910 19 (19) 8
Состоялась 3 Московская встреча пользователей Полки! Большое спасибо всем, кто сумел выбраться, да не один, а с выводком фигурок - мы вдоволь наобщались на "коллекционные" темы, порядком напугали обитателей кафе, ну и вообще здорово пове...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 17 4786 29 (31) 57
To start things off it seems that there are two more 1/12 Bambabossis are currently available on they cost $25. The sale date for the next Adventure Kartel figure has been revealed. It's the ten finger gang. they w...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 2686 3 (5) 3
Recently I made an order with Toys Logic (an american anime figure relater) and had an issue with it. This isn't the first time this has happened either. So I thought I'd share my negative experiences with them. The fist issue I had with them was...
review otaku life
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 702 5 (5) 4
I think this is a list of my favorite songs Let's go The list is not rating! 1.Kaai Yuki - Innocent girl A song about a little girl who fell in love with ​​adult male And actually covets him in every way 2.VY1 Mizki - What an Erotic Se...
Africa Russia
Edit tags edit entry 3 729 6 (6) 3
Москва. Почтовое отделение Х. Работник 1: Ёшкин, какие большие коробки. Чьи, интересно? Работник 2: Огромные! Куда мы их ставить будем? Работник 1 вздыхает, берёт верхнюю коробку с таинственной иностранной надписью и тащит на склад. Дверь открыва...
Amarty Russia
Edit tags edit entry 31 1538 18 (18) 34
В связи с растущим курсом йены очень рада, что мне абсолютно ничего не понравилось >< И куда делись все нендики? -_-...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 0 2729 11 (13) 23
I decided to fiddle with my cameras settings just a little bit more. I think I have the white balance, shutter speed and ISO just fine. I discovered my camera has two different color modes, Adobe RGB (top) and sRGB (bottom) Adobe RGB seems truer to r...
figures question lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 56 1503 11 (11) 4
Сегодня (пока еще) 19 сентября, а значит, я уже ровно год с завидным постоянством сижу на Полке) Хочу сказать спасибо создателям сайта, хранителям баз и просто тем людям, с которыми я здесь познакомилась. Думаю, в рунете найдется немного сообщест...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 3 645 13 (13) 36
I found a few more random Steins;Gate videos, enjoy! tu~tu~ruu~ also...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 854 10 (10) 2
This past week almost all of my orders from August arrived. But before I talk about the figures I want to talk about the pictures I think I've finally got them just right now. The solution was a really simple one too all I did was set a custom white...
figures review loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 63 4408 19 (19) 8
She has arrived!! My first impulse buy, I tried not to get her but she was too cute and I didn't want to regret missing her (Just like with the Kurisu figma...which I really waaant) She arrived a week earlier than expected, SAL is so unpredictable, p...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 22 3162 17 (17) 12
Yesterday I received My Black Rock Shooter limited game set and thought I'd do a review of the contents. The set Includes the game, the WRS Figma, art book and CD. It did not come with the WRS charm apparently that is only supposed to come with th...
figures review video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 29 3060 14 (14) 7
Итак, дополнение к Шерил, а именно второе крыло по прозвищу Ланкоранка прибыло по месту назначения. Каким-то почтовым языком уже изъясняюсь =_= Ещё раньше я уже придумала, где можно будет устроить им фотосет: в небе, на последнем этаже моей многоэта...
Amarty Russia
Edit tags edit entry 14 1677 17 (17) 36
Всем доброго времени суток! Хоть я очень-очень давно не заглядывала на Полку, смею надеяться, что меня еще кто-нибудь да помнит=) Если честно, за это время просто безумно соскучилась по Полке - мне очень не хватало новостей, блогов, фотографий и, к...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 71 2266 31 (31) 42
Still rather busy but I thought I'd show off my latest figma. She's very tiny compared to other figmas. Here she is compared to the rest of the Touhou figma line. So far I've had no QC issues with her on the actual figure, but her pyram...
Kajico USA
Edit tags edit entry 6 1371 7 (7) 0
It seems like a quite a while now since I bought my chibi Gundam and Armored core kits and I only just recently got around to assembling them. There are some positives and negatives that come with these sort of models but my love for mecha keeps m...
Chiaki Australia
Edit tags edit entry 0 2703 11 (11) 8
This blog is just a few random things... Today I got a Sega 32X attachment for my Genesis. Now my Genesis is "complete" and I can now play games with crappy 3D graphics! It came with 4 games which were... Mortal Kombat 2 - I abs...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 882 12 (12) 4
С Днем Рождения, Глори! :) Ты не только светило моего сердца, но еще и нашего сайта, оставайся всегда такой, какая ты есть! С Днем Рождения, любимая! :) Желаю тебе здоровья, чувства прекрасного и скорейшего изобретения кибермозга, для японс...
Vallefor Russia
Edit tags edit entry 11 4215 32 (32) 56
I was unwell today so I had time for updating my blog! This is my recent loot, I had no space on my desk at the time so I took a picture of the boxes on my bed..sorry about silly bed covers! Ah the excitment of recieving things in the post! I hope...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 54 3540 19 (19) 21
This has nothing to do with myself, Japanese culture, or anything related to this site however this site is the only blogging tool I use and I was really compelled to talk about this news. This is the moment a group of chimpanzees sees dayli...
Chiaki Australia
Edit tags edit entry 1 677 7 (7) 2
There are a bunch of K-on! fan arts that parody actual album covers, I thought I'd post them and compare them to the original. Enjoy!
anime lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 2904 18 (18) 7
Been several moons since I've posted anything. Figured I'd post some pics of my only none Miku Nendoroid. Obvious differences between Mame Cirno and Nendo Cirno. I love the Mame's face, but the two tone flesh colors and big obvious...
Kajico USA
Edit tags edit entry 21 2076 14 (14) 8
Warning: Nightmare fuel ahead, also NSFW! The other day I was searching for Wipeout fan art, and I found this wonderful illustration. But little did I know that I had stumbled upon the website of GENk. Vocaloid fans may recognize GENk's art...
anime lots of pictures video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 2236 7 (7) 12
Хочу показать вам Megami vol. 135. Журнал прибыл ко мне в паре с Hobby Japan 09/2011 в начале этой недели, в один день с Mirai о которой я уже писал ранее. Это был первый раз что мне наконец удалось заполучить это без преувеличения сокровище..
review lots of pictures loot printed matters
Edit tags edit entry 15 6674 19 (19) 33
Or rather, Wikipedia vs My romantic dreams)) I've been wanting to make this post for a long time, ever since I finished watching Sengoku Basara, which was almost half a year ago. But now, after watching several episodes of Hakuouki I've got even more...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 1 3381 9 (9) 28
The other day a big package from amiami arrived. I made this order with my birthday money, it mostly contained figures that I've been meaning to get but skipped because I couldn't afford them, and this. I also got a Madoka desk mat. I was e...
figures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 30 1606 16 (16) 8
Cute blue-haired alien from Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko is finally here in nendo form =3 So, two futons, three faceplates and sitting legs - a good addition to this adorable little girl)...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 32 3763 12 (12) 34
С первым нас сентября , студенты и школьники ! Вот примерно как выгляжу на занятиях я печаль , черт его побери ... Думаю у многих сегодня был насыщенный день ? А у меня позитив - сегодня утром, в почтовом ящике нашла извещение и сразу после з...
sui_dream Russia
Edit tags edit entry 15 1453 12 (12) 26
After 24 days of being in the post (usually takes 16 days from japan to get here) my Strength figma finally arrived just hen I got in from school (litterally I came in and took off my shoes and the door rang) So I took loads of pictures of her but I...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 15 3745 13 (13) 10
It was only about 2 weeks ago that I posted a blog where I told myself that I would not buy any figures. It took me only one day to crack after I found blackmercury and his konata figure cosplay for sale. I messaged him about the shipping cost...
Chiaki Australia
Edit tags edit entry 24 3348 17 (17) 16
anime offtopic lots of pictures anime stuff
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 13 2501 19 (23) 36
Hello, I don't really know how to start of this random blog so ...on to some random pictures of some re-ment donuts. I got the re-ment food quite cheap, they are a bit big for figmas but they still look cute with them. Thanks for...
megumi_vocaloid United Kingdom
Edit tags edit entry 8 2676 17 (17) 20
The next Big preorder has just been reveled It is the "Caesar" robot from World War Robot. Not much is known about Caesar, He is described as being part of Rotchild's (the man who designed the robots in WWR) personal security. He is 1/6 sca...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 2385 4 (6) 7
Yoko yer yer I have managed to stumble upon a really wonderful Yoko cosplay from the 2011 Otakon at Baltimore. I have a bad habit of typing long blogs so this time I'll let you admire what I think is some successful cosplay. Look at that p...
Chiaki Australia
Edit tags edit entry 0 6251 8 (10) 10
Внимание: Данный блог содержит материалы эротического характера! Просмотр лицам младше 18 лет запрещен! Caution! You may be exposed to erotic content in this blog! You must be 18 years old or higher to view it!
figures adult only lots of pictures
Edit tags edit entry 169 19149 19 (21) 18
Внимание: Данный блог содержит материалы эротического характера! Просмотр лицам младше 18 лет запрещен! Caution! You may be exposed to erotic content in this blog! You must be 18 years old or higher to view it! Предыдущий блог на тему Makaizo...
figures adult only lots of pictures
Edit tags edit entry 182 9527 31 (35) 21
Makaizou: Hatsune Miku Tony Ver. 1/8 Внимание: Данный блог содержит материалы эротического характера! Просмотр лицам младше 18 лет запрещен! Caution! You may be exposed to erotic content in this blog! You must be 18 years old or higher to...
figures adult only lots of pictures
Edit tags edit entry 180 9278 19 (21) 23
So the 22 was my Birthday I turned 22 My grandmother says this is good luck. I didn't do anything particularly special but that's fine by me. As for presents a mainly got money witch is probably my preferred gift (I already made a nice order of Dream...
offtopic otaku life loot video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 1279 5 (5) 10
If you thought I was finished with figurine buying until October (when the first two of four 4th quarter pre-orders arrive), I have some news for you: my bank account is still taking a major beating. Following the events of Otakon, I was busy bro...
Edit tags edit entry 8 1406 4 (4) 0
I'm not sure about other people but figure collecting in my eyes is just another hobby phase that I'm experiencing and I've had a bad habit of spending too much of my money on hobbies. This is really because I'm still considered a 'kid' and I don...
Chiaki Australia
Edit tags edit entry 6 2250 10 (10) 7
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