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Problems with Toys Logic

Problems with Toys Logic
24 Sep 2011 02:54:59

Recently I made an order with Toys Logic (an american anime figure relater) and had an issue with it. This isn't the first time this has happened either. So I thought I'd share my negative experiences with them.

The fist issue I had with them was I had made an order of multiple items after a long time the order still had not shipped. Only till after I had contacted them did they tell me the reason was that some of the items were out of stock (even though they were listed as in stock on the site) I ended up just getting the in stock items.

The second issue was sort of similar I had ordered a single figure and a week (perhaps more) later I got an email saying that the figure was out of stock (even though it was listed as in stock on the site)

And the third and most recent incident was I had ordered a figure and it was taking a strangely long time to arrive. I then received a second shipment notification email, but I noticed that the address was incorrect! I checked the previous email and it showed that same address, checking their website reveled that they were trying to send it to a different address then I had chosen. I emailed them with the proper address and they calmed my corrected address was where they were sending it too (despite what the emails and their site said) and about a week or so (after contacting them) the figure ended up arriving.

I guess none of these are really too horrible (and by no means toysnjoys bad) but I'd rather not make an order with them again.
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