11 Aug 2011 23:45:06
Warning wall of text ahead!
Today I received my 3AA membership kit. Due to an error effecting US technically this is not Mine as the name on the card and shirt size are wrong. 3A seems to be doing a poor job addressing this issue as people (including myself) are confused about what we are supposed to do and it doesn't help the the scalpers are selling theirs anyways further complicating things. Interestingly the deliveryman returned later saying I sent him a "return to sender text message" (I had no idea you could even do that) I told him I had no idea what he was talking about. But could that have been 3A's answer to this situation? Or was this just a really strange coincidence? I'd really rather not have to send the entire package back as I've already waited long enough for it, But I'd gladly send the shirt and card to their rightful owner. (I'm not opining the figure for now just to be safe) Oh and let's not even talk about how a limited $150 "one per costumer" has 6 random color variations...
But enough of those negatives let's talk about the set. The box itself is very nice it is made out of sturdy materials and closes with magnets. I think I'm going to use it to hold figure accessories or modelling supplies.
The Tomorrow King looks nice, this was the color I wanted the least but it looks much better in person then I was expecting.
I really enjoyed the comic, It gives the back story to the Adventure Kartel world and has perhaps the most cohesive plot of the ashley wood comics I've read. (I can take some pictures of the comic if anyone want's them.)
I can't say anything about the hoodie or the card with lanyard as I haven't opened them and the Square shaped thing on top of the hoodie is the 3A catalog that they give out with everything now.
The situation about this set is really confusing and I really hope they explain what we are supposed to do soon. But on a positive note I already saved around $100 with this membership.
(Also a post about my other recent figures is coming soon I just wanted to get this post out of my system first)
Edit - It seems that the mail man returning was 3A's solution... How was I supposed to know?
Edit 2 - The more I think about it the more worried I get... I need to take my mind off of this. :(
Edit 3 - It seems that the problem is now resolved.