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Mou Hasamazu ni wa Irarenai♥: Hoshi ni Onegai Shitara Konna ni Okkiku Nacchatta!

Alter titles:
もう挟まずにはいられない♥ ~星にお願いしたらこんなにおっきくなっちゃった!
Они так выросли после того как я загадала желание на падающую звезду!
Type: OVA (1 episodes), 22 min
Aired: 28 February, 2014
finished airing
Genres: Hentai
Studio: Pashmina
Rating: 7.07
Weighed: 6.8 (5 votes)
Grabbed by: 13
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An alien crashes into Amano and while fixing her body, makes her smarter, more athletic, prettier, and increases her bust size about five cups by accident. The alien then requests to monitor her, since he came to Earth to monitor humans anyway, and doesn't really do anything to her until she sees Sugiuchi and Amano get horny. The alien then manipulates Amano's body and makes her start having sex with Sugiuchi.


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