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7 February

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: POP UP PARADE Uzen Kyouka. Congratulations! 07 Feb, 10:25:22
_MK_ started to wish a figure: POP UP PARADE Uzen Kyouka. 07 Feb, 10:25:19

9 January

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Vivy. 09 Jan, 09:41:44

13 December

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: Run Elsie Jewelria Darkness Ver.. Congratulations! 13 Dec, 11:27:59

6 October

_MK_ commented Ichiban Kuji Goddess of Victory NIKKE Chapter 2: Rapi:
Сколько не искал, не нашел, где ее раздобыть.  06 Oct, 18:29:27

22 September

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: White Rabbit. Congratulations! 22 Sep, 21:15:21
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Run Elsie Jewelria Darkness Ver.. 22 Sep, 10:48:16

13 September

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Maid Keqing. 13 Sep, 17:21:52
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Maid Ganyu. 13 Sep, 17:21:43

4 August

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Disciplinary Committee Member. 04 Aug, 22:02:08
_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: Desktop Cute Elaina Cat Maid Ver.. Congratulations! 04 Aug, 22:02:04

3 July

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: Outrunning the Encroaching Heat Kitasan Black. Congratulations! 03 Jul, 13:39:54

17 June

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Sumika Kagami. 17 Jun, 18:18:29

12 June

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Jirai Code Erof Luna. 12 Jun, 06:38:54

18 May

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Ichinose Asuna (Bunny Girl). 18 May, 11:51:11

7 May

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Nikaidou Aya. 07 May, 10:30:58

4 May

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Abyss Bar Zombie Yoyo. 04 May, 15:06:54
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Bunny Girl Rin. 04 May, 15:06:09
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Bunny Girl Xiya. 04 May, 15:05:57
_MK_ commented Помогите пожалуйста понять оригинал или подделка:
Слишком высокое качество изготовления для бутлега. Посмотри на то, как выглядят китайские подделки. 04 May, 08:53:46

26 April

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Relax time Mori Calliope Office style Ver.. 26 Apr, 15:33:07

12 April

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Vice City Female Sheriff Chasing Eye. 12 Apr, 20:18:04

10 April

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Kiara's teatime. 10 Apr, 21:45:41
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Gyakuryuu Chakai Tokisaki Mio. 10 Apr, 05:01:53

5 March

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: ARCTECH G41. Congratulations! 05 Mar, 19:06:32

20 January

_MK_ commented Fie Claussell:
Как по мне, Fie выглядит в разы круче в Kuro no Kiseki (Trails Through Daybreak) 20 Jan, 12:33:34

10 January

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Alisa Ilinichina Amiella. 10 Jan, 13:24:12
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Alisa Ilinichina Amiella. 10 Jan, 13:24:08
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Alisa Ilinichina Amiella. 10 Jan, 13:24:05

25 November

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Kal'tsit. 25 Nov, 18:14:48
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Blaze. 25 Nov, 17:58:49
_MK_ started to wish a figure: W. 25 Nov, 17:58:45
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Amiya. 25 Nov, 17:58:36
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Exusiai Elite 2. 25 Nov, 17:58:34
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Texas Elite 2. 25 Nov, 17:58:30
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Ichiban Kuji Goddess of Victory NIKKE Chapter 2: Rapi. 25 Nov, 11:38:14
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Li-za. 25 Nov, 11:38:13
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Ahab's Game Time. 25 Nov, 11:34:59

16 November

_MK_ received an reward
Servant of Beauty
16 Nov, 02:05:46

14 November

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Shionne. 14 Nov, 14:06:28

29 October

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Lena. 29 Oct, 02:43:14
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Renne Bright. 29 Oct, 02:42:12
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Fie Claussell. 29 Oct, 02:42:08
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Emma Millstein. 29 Oct, 02:42:04
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Tio Plato. 29 Oct, 02:41:26
_MK_ started to wish a figure: SUIEIBU NO KOUHAI-CHAN of the Swimming Club. 29 Oct, 02:40:34
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Ichiban Kuji Uma Musume Pretty Derby 5 Dan: Kitasan Black. 29 Oct, 02:40:15
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Outrunning the Encroaching Heat Kitasan Black. 29 Oct, 02:40:09
_MK_ started to wish a figure: 2B YoRHa(No.2 Type B)Version 2.0. 29 Oct, 02:38:34
_MK_ started to wish a figure: White Rabbit. 29 Oct, 02:38:31

21 October

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Shiny Series Little Demon Lilith. 21 Oct, 04:20:48

18 October

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Elaine Maid Ver.. 18 Oct, 14:26:18

13 September

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Lucia Crimson Abyss ver.. 13 Sep, 14:42:08
_MK_ added a figure to the base: Lucia Crimson Abyss ver.. 13 Sep, 08:51:47

12 September

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Riesz. 12 Sep, 14:10:00

30 August

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Kurosaki Mea. 30 Aug, 11:14:49

9 July

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Jack-O' Valentine. 09 Jul, 08:06:20

8 July

_MK_ started to wish a figure: BiCute Bunnies Leafa. 08 Jul, 02:02:02
_MK_ started to wish a figure: BiCute Bunnies Sinon. 08 Jul, 02:01:59
_MK_ started to wish a figure: BiCute Bunnies Asuna. 08 Jul, 02:01:40

6 July

_MK_ commented Thunderbolt Squad Whisky Sour:
Никогда не любил экшен-фигурки из-за их суставов, но вот здесь китайцы расстарались и закрыли их сил... 06 Jul, 14:27:10

9 June

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Thunderbolt Squad Whisky Sour. 09 Jun, 13:19:53

7 June

_MK_ grabbed a figure to their shelf: Rixia Mao. 07 Jun, 12:38:36

4 June

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Desktop Cute Elaina Cat Maid Ver.. 04 Jun, 09:05:27

26 May

_MK_ commented _MK_:
Благодарю сердечно) правда, я тут уже несколько лет)) 26 May, 12:17:49

28 April

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: Skyfire Elite 2Ver.. Congratulations! 28 Apr, 08:11:46

21 April

_MK_ commented 4Aky's photo:
Вот именно воспаление суставов - хорошее сравнение. Поэтому не особо нравится. Если суставы скрыты о... 21 Apr, 20:12:02
_MK_ commented 4Aky's photo:
Мне в подвижных фигурках не нравится в 99% случаев то, как ручки-ножки сочленяются с телом и в сгиба... 21 Apr, 19:35:02
_MK_ commented 4Aky's photo:
Сочувствую от всей души) 21 Apr, 19:33:35
_MK_ commented 4Aky's photo:
Все никак денег не найду, чтобы ее заказать. Милая, зараза. Единственная подвижная фигурка, где меня... 21 Apr, 19:03:10
_MK_ commented 4Aky's photo:
Она позу вот так держит? 21 Apr, 16:31:41
_MK_ commented 4Aky's photo:
Это прекрасно) 21 Apr, 16:31:13
_MK_ started to wish a figure: ARCTECH G41. 21 Apr, 16:29:29

1 April

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Luna. 01 Apr, 11:57:29

26 March

_MK_ started to wish a figure: RefleX FairyTale -Another- Little Mermaid. 26 Mar, 05:50:04

7 March

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Ganyu Plenilune Gaze Ver.. 07 Mar, 17:48:19

13 February

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: Shokuhou Misaki Sukusu School Swimsuit and Knee-high Socks Ver.. Congratulations! 13 Feb, 11:31:16

9 February

_MK_ commented :
c 2019 года работаю с Nodanoshi (  Больше 70 заказов, ни разу не подвел. Л... 09 Feb, 09:45:31

27 January

_MK_ commented Horizon Ariadust.:
О, еще остались поклонники Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere?  У меня у самого оттуда аж четыре фигур... 27 Jan, 07:23:39
_MK_ commented Великолепие в деталях - фигурка Rinwell от Kotobukiya:
За Вельвет и Алишу отдельный респект) Особенно за Вельвет. Пытался ее найти за вменяемые деньги в по... 27 Jan, 07:20:10

24 January

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Akua-chan. 24 Jan, 15:39:43
_MK_ tagged a figure Buddy on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:34:42
_MK_ tagged a figure Lacia 2018 Ver. on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:34:29
_MK_ tagged a figure Tokisaki Kurumi on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:34:11
_MK_ tagged a figure BiCuteBunnies Sonico on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:33:12
_MK_ tagged a figure BiCuteBunnies Sonico on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:33:10
_MK_ tagged a figure BiCuteBunnies Sonico on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:33:01
_MK_ tagged a figure BiCuteBunnies Sonico on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:32:54
_MK_ tagged a figure BiCuteBunnies Sonico on a photo:
24 Jan, 11:32:43
_MK_ tagged a figure Sakura Hina on a photo:
24 Jan, 08:13:39
_MK_ tagged a figure Sakura Hina on a photo:
24 Jan, 08:13:32
_MK_ tagged a figure Sakura Hina on a photo:
24 Jan, 08:13:26
_MK_ tagged a figure Sakura Hina on a photo:
24 Jan, 08:13:20
_MK_ tagged a figure Sakura Hina on a photo:
24 Jan, 08:13:12
_MK_ tagged a figure Sakura Hina on a photo:
24 Jan, 08:12:59
_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: Sakura Hina. Congratulations! 24 Jan, 07:53:54

21 January

_MK_ started to wish a figure: Kiss-shot Acerola-orion Heart-under-blade. 21 Jan, 20:11:26

20 January

_MK_ managed to find the figure they always wanted: Buddy. Congratulations! 20 Jan, 15:04:02
_MK_ started to wish a figure: Buddy. 20 Jan, 15:03:57

18 January

_MK_ commented Сказ о гаражке о двух головах:
Офигеть масштаб работы. Меня бы на такое не хватило) 18 Jan, 11:32:18
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